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"I thought about it, but I knew the second I heard them coming that I didn't want to go." Seth sits down next to Kai on the couch sometime later. It's true, when he heard the wolves approaching he was filled with dread. He hated the looks of disappointment and betrayal from some of the pack members.

"Are you sure?" Kai looks up at him, she looks tired. She didn't think he would stay.

"As sure as I'll ever be." Seth smiles down at her, he's never been more sure of anything in his life.

"We would have to do the ritual then, we can start on the preparation after lunch." Kai smiles back at him. This is all surreal, she never thought she'd get chosen by a familiar.

"Ritual?" Seth asks, he briefly thinks of a stereotypical ritual with animal sacrifice and satanic symbols, but quickly dismisses them. He knows he's jumping to conclusions and whatever they are doing probably isn't bad at all.

"Yes, just some phrases in latin. Some candles and ruins, incense, shit I don't know if I have any sage incense left from last week." Kai scowls, after three failed attempts at that stupid dragon repellent for a friend. She was so distracted that day, after getting little sleep and the increasing frustration during the morning. Then finding Seth and making the healing slave.

Seth nods his head, it makes sense to him. They would have to bind souls, he recalls Kai telling him. He wonders if it will hurt, or if he'll feel different after. "I can help you gather the things if you would like. I'd just need to know what to gather." Kai looks up at him mystified, Seth was going to be a good familiar. She doesn't know how she got so lucky.

"Alright. Top shelf above the sink, I need a red, black and white candle. And then top drawer on to the left of the sink I need a black and red stick of chalk. I'll take care of the rest." It'll be nice, not having to climb onto the counter to reach the top self, or using magic to get things down. She begins to find the incense, her house is going to smell like sage cinnamon and vanilla for the next week.

Kai tells Seth to put the candles and chalk down in the open space between the dining table and the living area. She specifically keeps that area clear for bigger spells. Seth watches Kai draw a large red diamond with a square around it, she doesn't hesitate with the lines she's drawing. She switches to the black chalk making some swooping lines before going back to the red chalk, not worried at all about the chalk residue getting all over her hands. It makes a moment for Seth to realize the circles she's drawing inside the diamond is the moon cycle. She also draws some cool looking symbols which Seth guesses are some kind of binding ruins, Seth's in awe of how well she draws them. She doesn't look at any reference photo or anything.

"Alright, stand in the center of the diamond." Kai lights the candles and incense before stepping inside the diamond with Seth. She pulls a small box from her pocket, opening it to reveal a smooth pear-shaped Black Opal. It's beautiful, Seth's never seen anything like it. The light bounces off it perfectly creating color illusions on the stone. "My soul." Kai winks at Seth, she's only taken the stone out of it's super secret hiding place and out of it's indestructible box for this. She hasn't looked at in years, not wanting to tempt fate and damaging it. If it were to break now, well there would probably be a pile of dust on the floor for someone to sweep up. Kai begins to chant in latin, to seal the ritual and bind their souls together.

"Cum sola, absque natus,
Una, cor unum sumus.
Vincia magicae lucis et Sapientis,
Et simul per Age.
Vincia sal, caro, et ignem,
Eadem cupiditate participes fiant.
Simul ad deos alienos,
Numquam esse abhorreat.
Et signata, et te
Dum vivit ille non moritur.
Sic fiat!"

The gem flashes brightly before fading, Seth watches in amazement. He doesn't feel too much different, maybe a little more powerful but that might just be in his head. He takes a deep breath and oh. Yeah he definitely feels different. He feels settled, grounded and content. Kai feels it too, she feels her magic settle in her body instead of a tingling in her fingers. It feels like her magic let out a big exhale and relaxes.

She smiles up at Seth who slings an arm around her and holds her close to him. "We'll have to wait and see how it affects your wolf. It shouldn't change how you shift or anything like that. You will just gain some personality traits depending on what you present as."

"Present as what?" Seth doesn't let go of Kai, he enjoys having her close. He's glad he's here with her.

"Alpha, beta or omega. As an alpha you would be stronger, have better senses, generally alphas can get possessive, and agressive. They are dominate. Omegas aren't necessarily weaker, they are just submissive. They go through heats, and that would actually be pretty interesting, maybe we would sync." Kai laughs at the thought, Seth being in heat while she's on her period. That would be a disaster. "Betas are neutral, inbetweeners."

"Oh wow, it's nothing like the pack then." Seth remembers what Kai said, about how their pack was so selective and refined. Their pack had the alpha, Sam, and the beta, Jared. They didn't have omegas. It'll be weird not having them in his head, then again he didn't hear them when they came this morning. The first time he figured it had to do something with the warding Kai has around the house. She explained it to him after Sam left, she was still wondering how they got past it. Seth sheepishly told her it might be his fault, she wasn't mad, she just wanted to know if it wasn't working anymore. But the second time, he stopped hearing them when he decided to come back to Kai.

Kai waves her hand, making her magic clean up the mess for her. She can't be bothered with trying to get the chalk off the floor. Her magic feels different too, it's lighter. Effortless. Not that it was difficult before, she just had to explicitly think about what she wanted it to do. Now, it does it without her thinking too hard, if at all. It's reflexive.

/// yo what do u think seth is going to present as and why ?????? (im curious)

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