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"Seth isn't back from patrol yet." Jacob informs Sam, who just got back from his own patrol shift. "And he was suppose to be back hours ago." The vampires had left months ago, along with the fairy not long after. It's been nice, not needing as many wolves out on patrol.

"Have you heard anything from him?" Sam sighs, Seth knows the land, so there is no reason for the boy to get lost.

"Not for awhile no, he just kind of disappeared." Jacob had wanted to go looking hours ago but he thought there was a good explanation for it, but it's been two patrol shifts.

"Let's get some of the boys and look for him then." Sam didn't show it, but he's worried. Seth is pack, and if something happened then it's his fault. He's the alpha and he didn't watch out for the kid like he should have been, then this wouldn't have happened.

The wolves set out early afternoon, picking up on Seth's scent quickly. It leads them in circles for awhile, but it finally straightens out near the creek. Their keen noses pick up on the smell of blood soon enough and Leah rockets forward ahead of the group ignoring Sam's warning growl. He can't have another pack member get injured.

The wolves approach the pool of dried blood under a tree. There's a large chunk of the ground missing and no Seth as well.

What do you think happened?

This is a lot of blood, there's no way he could of gone very far.

There's another scent over here, human I think.

Jared and Paul, with me. Everyone else start heading back.

The three of them follow the scent through the forest for about half of a mile before they reach an empty clearing. The scent stops abruptly but Seth is nowhere in sight. There are no tire tracks, nothing. The clearing itself looks empty except for a few stray bushes and flower patches. They circle the edge of the clearing once more before running back to the rez.

It just ends. There's nothing to follow from here.

What do we do?

We circle back and keep a look out for both the human scent and Seth's.

One thing they do know, wherever Seth is, it's not around here.

///as a friendly reminder, in the books Jared is the second in command (beta) and Paul is the third in command. :)))

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