§ Chapter 6 || Beware the Frozen Heart §

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My head was throbbing when I finally regained conciousness. I pushed the sheets away from me and saw light coming out from the window, deciding to see what's outside, I walked to it, only to be stopped. The chains clanged and restrained my hands by fully encasing them. I turned around and leaned to look outside where I saw snow and boats half sunken in ice. 

What Anna said was really true. And it was all my fault.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself.

The door opened and Hans appeared.

"Why did you bring me here?" I questioned him.

"Couldn't just let them kill you." He said in a shaky tone, rubbing his arm and then hugging himself.

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle." I stressed each word. 

"Anna has not returned." Hans said and I turned from him, "If you would just stop the winter. Bring back summer. . Please." 

"Don't you see? I can't. You have to tell them to let me go." I kept my eyes on his.

"I'll do what I can." He nodded before turning and leaving.

When I heard the door close, a sigh escaped from me. I looked at the chains and they started to freeze. That moment, an idea of escape entered my mind. I continued freezing the chains when I was able to tug on it and break the chain. My head spun to the window and thought of how to break out without making such a big mess.

It was impossible. Either exiting the door where all the guards are, or there. I settled on the window and threw my hand infront of me, using the snow to push the wall and bust myself of out this place.

I can't stand being here, in Arendelle. I am nothing but a threat. I'm going back.

The wall collapsed and fell to the floor, revealing the white blanket covering Arendelle. The snow was falling hard and strong. This is all my doing.

I took a step out onto the ice ground, the wind pressing against me. I looked around but saw nothing but fog. I looked back at the wall, I have to go now before Hans and his men find me again. I walked faster. The wind and snowfall was becoming stronger by the minute, it then became a blizzard.

I pulled up my dress and looked around but saw nothing but white. It was getting harder to see and move by the speed of snow falling and the wind. I was looking around but to no avail. Suddenly, I see Hans. Gasping, I turned to quickly get myself away from him.

"Elsa !" He yelled from the distance. "You can't run from this !"

I turned to him, "Just take care of my sister."

"Your sister, she returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said that you froze her heart. I tried to save her but it was too late. Her skin was ice and her hair turned white. Your sister is dead ! Because of you."


A/N: Updated, finally. I'll update the last chapter then maybe an epilogue if I feel like it. Please don't forget to leave a comment and vote and fan! All will be appreciated. Thanks! 


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