Mini-interview #2

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Me: Hello readers!! How are you doing??? So today we have the Science Bros. They were the only available people for today. Everyone else is on a mission. So, Tony how are you doing this lovely morning?

Tony: I am doing great actually. It's been a good morning. How bout you, how are you this morning?

Me: Wow, who are you and what have you done with Tony? Where did this newfound mood come from?

Bruce: I know right, ever since this morning and coffee. He has been the happiest person alive. It's actually quite weird if you ask me.

Me: Thank you, Dr. Banner, for a clearer understanding. So let's start off with the first question: What do you think of Morfia? Ok, so everyone is wanting to know what the team thinks of Morfia.... Tony any thoughts?

Tony: Morfia is a polite person. I think that when we all break through her walls, she will be just as rude, weird, and funny as we are. It just takes time, she's like an onion, you peel her back one at a time.

Bruce: I agree, but not only that. She he has also changed Loki, his sarcastic remarks have come to a bare minimum. I love the change, believe me, I do not like hulking out because of his mouth.

Me: Right, so it seems that everyone is loving this Moki action. I can't wait for more of it myself. So Dr.Banner, Mr. Stark any new projects or weapons are you working on?

Tony: Well I wanted to figure out how Morfia made the self ammo-making gun she made for Fury. It's quite extraordinary.

Bruce: I am still working on her portals. They are so fascinating and the way she uses her abilities shocks me. Most people when they use their abilities it appears to be 'Magic', but with Morfia she is actually concentrating on the molecules in one area, she then combines them together to create the four elements. To fly she creates an air barrier around herself, so it's without gravity, making it a non-gravity zone allowing space for her to fly.

Me: It appears you have the science behind her abilities down. So next question what do you think about Morfia's Past, is it important and why do you think so? Ok tough one, these people want it deep, Tony and thoughts......

Tony: Well everyone has a past, and whether or not they share is the problem. Most people have a reason to keep things in the past. But you should never let the past shape your future. So yes it's important.

Bruce: I agree all the way, whether or not she feels comfortable telling us is a bit if a question. She will tell us the whole story when she is ready. Like she said we have to get through her walls and allow her to trust us. Only then will we be trusted with her Past.

Me: This is getting very deep. Well, guys, that's all the time we have today. I hope you guys kick Hydra Butt in 10 minutes. Don't forget to private message me the question you would like to ask during an Interview. Chapter 8 should be out with a twist very soon, I hope you enjoy. See or rather talk to you guys later!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the day!!! PEACE OUT~~~~~~~~~>

In time {1} ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon