Mini- Interview #1

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Mini- Interview #1

Me: Author- Hello World, my name is Maya. I am the official Author of this book. I know you see the very serious side of the characters, but hopefully now you get to see the side I see from my characters. I can't wait for this book, to start getting out there. Chapter 5 should be up and running very soon. Today we have just the girls with us. It includes Nat, Wanda, and Morfia. So first question Wanda what did you think of Morfia when you first met her.....

Wanda: Well I was very nervous to be honest. I could feel a power radiating off of her far more powerful than hydra. When she pulled off her hood, I knew she was far more powerful than I had suspected. But then when we got through her first wall and we had girls night, I knew she was just another young girl like me trying to understand herself.

Me: Huh, very interesting. Natasha any thoughts.

Natasha: Well, being a spy, someone miraculously appearing does catch you off guard, but once you get to know her, as Wanda said you realize she is just another girl like us, trying to understand herself. From what I have gathered she will do anything in her power to protect the ones she loves.

Me: Wow, OK, Morfia it seems you have left quite the impression on these ladies. But I have to ask: Is Loki part of the people she loves? Wanda what do you think??

Wanda: I honestly think yes. From the look in her eyes she would take a bullet for him.

Natasha: Yes, I agree. Although she rarely shows it to the boys, she can't keep it hidden from her girl friends.

Wanda: So in other words, Morfia is in love.

Morfia: I think what they mean is, I would protect anyone I respect which means Loki and  The Avengers.

Me: Right OK, we will see where the story brings us. Thank you ladies for joining us today. Hopefully the rest of the team can join us second time around, and are not on a mission. Thank you so much for reading, PEACE OUT!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~>

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