Staying Is Harder Than Leaving

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I woke up with a stiff neck, trying to figure out why my pillow was moving slowly up and down. It also felt way too hard. I suddenly realized I wasn't in my bed, and my moving pillow was really Matt. I tried to sit up, but sometime during the night he had wrapped his arm tightly around my waist. I couldn't figure out a way to wiggle my way out without waking him. I was stuck.

It wasn't a bad sort of stuck. I was at least warm. I felt secure. It was nice to take a few minutes to just think about what had happened. Yesterday had been just a wee bit stressful. So much for the peaceful weekend camping trip in the woods. At this rate, Matt was never going to get trained. That would fine with me. Keep one of us out of danger.

I went over last night's events in my head. Being shot at as we sat around the fire. Running though the woods blindly. The shouting match with Ted. Meeting with him, my realization that I was working for a group that had murdered my mother. Finding my father after all these years where he had been right next to me, without me ever knowing. Crying to Matt on the couch. And him kissing my cheek as I was drifting off to sleep. Oh yeah. Can't forget that part.

Maybe it had just been a friendly, comforting kiss. After all, it was only on my cheek. Secretly though, I was hoping it meant something. Even though I had no clue if I was ever going to be able to have a real relationship, especially after what had happened to my mother and Ted. I wanted a boyfriend, but my choices had been pretty limited in high school. How can you carry on a relationship when every single day after school you're occupied hunting down monsters? Not really much time for dates at the movies, dances, or prom.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake as Ted. I would just have to figure out a way to have a boyfriend without putting him in danger. or not bother.

I craned my head up to look at Matt. He was adorable asleep, with his dark brown hair going every which way, and his mouth slightly open. I knew my own hair probably looked worse, but I wasn't able to free my good hand enough to check. My hurt shoulder was starting to ache from staying in the same position for so long. I couldn't wait for this thing to heal. I shifted slightly to loosen Matt's grip around me.

I must have moved too much, and disturbed Matt's sleep. He started to move around, tightening his arm around me. Maybe I felt like some giant teddy bear. Not a flattering thought. I squirmed a little, trying to loosen his grip. Matt's eyes fluttered open, glancing down at me. I looked up sheepishly.

"Morning." I said, trying not to be embarrassed. We were clothed. It wasn't that weird that we had slept right next to each other. Right?

"Mmmmph?" He asked, loosening his grip enough to let me go. I sat up, moving away from him so he wouldn't feel even more awkward. He ran his fingers though his hair, smoothing it down. "Kara? Why are you here? Where am I?"

"We're on my couch, actually. We fell asleep here, after we got home from the Headquarters. You just never went home." I told him, getting to my feet. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I felt rumpled. I'm sure I looked like crap. I could feel my cheeks go red.

"Oh." He yawned. "How do you feel?"

I knew he wasn't talking physically. "It's going to take a while to get used to everything. I have a father." The words sounded strange; the subject of my father had been taboo for far too long. "I'll be right back."

I headed to the bathroom and locked myself in. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked like I felt: awful. I tried to tame my wild, sticking up hair, but gave up half way through and stuck it in a messy bun. I wiped away the smeared makeup under my eyes, and unable to do anything about the puffiness from crying, called it good. Matt had already seen me at my worst. I guess this would just have to do until I could take a shower. I felt it would be rude to make him wait any longer.

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