Sorry, I'm A Little Tied Up Right Now

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"Crap. Crap crap crap!". I moaned as I thrashed. I had woken up with my hands tied above my head, me dangling beneath them. I couldn't make out much of the surrounding darkness around me, but the smell was enough. Sulfur mixed with blood, mold, body odor and a little human decomposition thrown in there for good measure. Yep, I had somehow been stupid enough to be captured by an ogre. And unfortunately no, I wasn't joking. Welcome to my world.

  "Kara? Is that you?" A voice came out from the darkness. A slightly familiar voice, one that last year had sent shivers down my spine. Someone who should not be here. 

   "Matt?" I asked. Oh gosh, please no. Anyone but that idiot.

   "Happy to see me?" came the reply.

   I snorted to the darkness. "Actually... no. I am definitely not 'happy'. What I am is unable to move, hung up by my hands, and sick because of this stench. How are you doing on this fine day?"

   He sighed. "No need to get sarcastic. I'm in the same situation. Can't move, and my arms really hurt."

   " I don't suppose you're in any shape to rescue a damsel in distress." My arms were starting to hurt too. I remembered I had stuck a knife in my boot this morning, before I had left. I couldn't reach it now, with my arms stuck over my head, but it was nice to know I had something. I kicked my legs to make me move around, testing the ropes. I could hear a strang, creaky sound every time I move. Pulling my hands up the ropes, I felt a hook that was holding me up.

   "Matt, can you tell how far you are off the ground?" I asked.

   "I'm touching the ground. I'm just tied up with my hands over my head. Why?"

   "I climbed the ropes holding me up, and I'm holding on to a hook. I'm going to try and get myself down. " I was glaring into the darkness in the direction his voice was coming from. It wasn't my fault I was only 5 foot 5. Matt was just short of 5 10.

   After some wiggling and a few scrapes to my wrists, I unhooked my hands and tumbled to the ground. It might not have been far, but concrete hurts. I hissed in pain, but nothing seemed to be broken. My hands were still bound as I felt around in front off me.

   "Kara? Are you down?" Matt asked. He sounded really close. I straightened my leg and felt something hard.

   "Kara! Something just touched my foot. Are you okay? Kara, answer me! Oh gosh..." It was official: he was freaking out. And yelling. Was he really that stupid?

   "Shut up! Maybe you want to be ogre food, but that's really not on my agenda. That was me that touched your foot. Can you reach up and unhook yourself?" I slowly stood up, testing my limbs to make sure I wasn't hurt. I would be sore tomorrow, but nothing was broken. I pulled out my knife and sawed away at the ropes until my hands were free.

   "No, I can't get a grip on the rope."

   Sighing, I bent down again. On my hands and knees, I felt around until I found his foot again. I might not be fond of the guy, but I wasn't going to leave him here. That would get me put on probation for sure. "For the record, I still don't like you. Your going to have to step on my back and try to undo yourself."

   I felt pressure on my back. When he put his full weight on me I felt pain. Lots of it. I could barely keep myself from collapsing. How much did this kid weigh? I was going to be crazy sore tomorrow.

   "When we get out of here, I am making you lose twenty pounds." I gasped.

   "No can do. That's all muscle you're feeling, I worked hard for that. Almost there."

   " Thank goodness" I replied. As soon as I said that, he toppled over. And landed directly on top of me.

   "Ow. Get. Off. Of. Me. Right. Now!" I whispered. That hurt. Really really bad, all over. "I hate you so much right now."

   He thankfully rolled off. "Hands, give." I ordered. He shoved them into my stomach. My aching, sore stomach. I grabbed them and sliced the ropes off, not caring what else I was cutting. He wisely didn't move. 

   "You wouldn't happen to have anything, I don't know, useful on you? Like matches or a knife?" I asked Matt as I stood up a second time.

   He rummaged in his pocket. "I've got gum."

   "Great. Offer it to the ogre, would you? He needs it, I'm sure." Well this was awesome. I was stuck in an ogres lair with an idiot, probably an ogre, and only one smallish knife. Not one of my finest moments as a Monster Fighter

   Yep, that's me. During school, I'm Kara Night. A 17 year old girl. After school everything changes. I turn into a professional monster hunter. All those things that go bump in the night, they don't make any noise when they meet me. Sure, it's hard balencing school with my job. But I've been doing it so long it's second nature to me. They give me pretty good hours too. I guess it's really no different from waiting tables or working in a grocery store. Yeah right. 

   A different voice came out of the darkness, along with an increase of that awful smell. "No, I really don't need any gum. What I really need is a meal. And you two look very... appetizing." It was a slick, oily voice. One that made me go cold inside. It was the ogre.

   "Craaap," I moaned.


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