Chapter 16

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      I did it. I hit my own father sending him to the ground. He already changed into his now dirty black fur wolf and got up slowly. "You can't change the past you troublesome girl. A good for nothing little weak girl." He added and turned to me showing his teeth in rage. For some reason the air felt cooler in her almost as if I was outside. But it seemed as moments later the thunder must've became less now.
      "I didn't kill her. You must have gotten a doctor." I said trying not to sound too worried which was impossible. As my claws were almost digging into the white tile floor.
     "It was too late." He then inched closer walking as I just stood firm on my 4 paws ready for his next move.
     I saw as he was about to pounce and I moved just in time as he just got a part of my bandage in his teeth as he bit down taking it all off showing the ugly mark.
        He turned around as his back was to me and let go of the bandage once he did he saw my neck. "So that's what they did."
       I put my right paw on it trying to cover it but just stopped as it didn't matter anymore it was already exposed.
      "See that's what you get." He said as if it were good news.
       "Shut up! You have no idea what I have been through. It's like you think I'm a thing with no feelings. Well I am! But at least I know one thing you are not my father just a selfish good for nothing alpha." I screamed at him.
     He ran to me lifting up his paw and smacked me hard on the face while I kicked him in the throat. It sent us both flying down into the floor. This can't last forever I have to make this stop now but how? As I looked at him it seemed as though he was catching his breathe but then the throne room door opened revealing Tim who looked worried for me as though he was afraid something horrible was going to happen again.
     But since my head was turned I heard my dad say," This is what you get for killing your mother." Before everything went black feeling the claws scratch my head sending me down once more.
2 hours later
     It was dark again as I could already tell perfectly we're I was. The dungeon again but this time with my own pack. How disgraceful. But at least I know it was slightly cleaner in here even though there was a special skeleton that caught my eye. It was like it could be a women lying down.
          Ow ow. What is hurting so much? When I feel the pain it feels like it's a tiny fire as I touch my head feeling some dry blood. Why does this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? I walk to the gate trying to see who the guards are.
     As I see only Tim guarding the door. Holding the sword in front of him on the handle as the tip touched the ground and squeezing his eyes shut hard that looks like it hurts as if he was thinking really hard.
     "Tim your watching me?"
      He turned to the left and saw me concerned in his face. "Oh princess m-"
      "Please don't call me that." I cut him off. "I'm no princess and I definitely don't want to be called my father's last name. I think I finally want people to call me by my first name."
       "Are you sure?"
We both stayed quiet for a while. Until Tim broke the silence. "Tell me what are you thinking about?" He said slowly.
       "Everything, and I keep asking myself questions like what I'm going to do now? And mostly my mother's death. It couldn't be my fault. Could it?" I said with my voice breaking a little.
       "I have something to tell you. But it's a mix of good and bad news. It's the secret I was sworn never to tell."
       "Well what is it?" I asked now curious.
       "Where to begin. I'll make this quick. The truth is you didn't kill your mother. I saw the whole thing after you got the wrong plant and ran to your room. You see," he said getting nervous and hesitant. "When your father asked me to throw away the flowers I picked them up and was going to throw them away but something didn't feel right to where he was going. It seemed as if he was heading for the dungeon and I was curious so when I followed I saw your mother on the ground looking weak and coughing as your dad was standing in front of her doing nothing to help. And so." He said with a shaky voice. But I let him speak. "I heard him say to your mother:'She didn't receive the plant I asked and instead it was your favorite flower. And she was trying to make up excuses. You know what I have to do now.' I saw him hold the knife in his hands gripping it carefully in front of your mother. Then I saw your mom pleading saying:'please just kill me I'm going to die anyway. Don't kill her.' Then I saw him very mad and stabbed her in the head as she screamed. I didn't look anymore. I couldn't," said Tim feeling really sorry.
I put my hands into a fist fighting the urge to cry.
       "I..I checked after I saw him leave and I heard your mom cry. It's sad that the dungeons are sound proof. When I walked to her, her eyes where closed as she was under a pool of her own blood. I still had the flowers in my hand when I was going to put it on her I felt her hand grab my arm in the weakest way her eyes slightly open now. As it scared me almost causing me to yelp. She told me this:'please take care of my daughter be her guard. I love her so-" Tim saw me and stopped. "Should I stop?"
I then realized that I was grabbing my knees very close to my body as I somehow came and sat on the ground biting my lip. "It's okay keep on going." I said even though it was hard but I know that I needed to know the truth.
"'I love her so much.'Your mother said and continued to tell me: 'if you want money just go and ask it from one of my butler the number is 26. Please will you do..that." I told her I would. But that I would get more people to watch over you to. She was okay with that as she closed her eyes; I gave her the flowers as she smiled I said that you brought them for her and then I left promising myself I won't tell. Looks like I broke it huh." He looked at me but gave me some time to respond.
      I was on the floor for a while until I stood up and wiped my weeping tears with my arm smiling. "I least I knew how much she loved me. I had no idea she hired you." Then I grew dark." But my stupid father will pay. He blamed me? Who does that?" Then I talked to Tim very carefully in a sweet way. "Thank you I know it must've been hard to tell me that even though I am still disappointed you didn't tell me before."
     "I know but then-"
      "It's fine its now or never. It's just I have to think. What is that good for nothing alpha going to do with me tomorrow."
     "I'm not sure. Maybe kill you."
     "Well then it looks like I have to strike first. Get me out so I can start. Don't worry I will take all of the blame. I want to fix things. Then I have to see what's up with the eastern pack they haven't attacked yet. Weird."
    "Fine I will help on one condition."
   "And what is that?" I said curious not mad.
    "That you let me help I'm your guard and I don't want to see the same thing I did when I was smaller."
    "Fine." I said still not agreeing in the tone of my voice.
     "But first let's do something about those injuries."
     "Don't worry I know just the person." I said smiling.  Many good and bad ideas in my head. Ready to plant the next move.

Blake: thanks for reading. By the way how am I doing in my story? I would love to hear from you.

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