Chapter 9

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     "Well then I guess I will take your precious Moonlight with me and let you be. How does that sound?" The brown alpha said smiling evilly knowing he had my dad in a dead end.
     I struggled trying to get out but it seemed like the more I moved the more of the air got out of me. So I just gave up. Seeing my dad's next move.
    "Very well take her and let me be with my pack." My dad said like if they were speaking in a meeting.
"What?!" Everyone said surprised. Even the brown alpha.
"Dad what doing?" I said confused and worried. Running out of breathe. He didn't answer me but only looked at the alpha. No emotion in his face. This was business.
"Well then I guess we shall leave now." The eastern pack started to turn around while the 5 wolves got off of me but surrounding me in a circle making sure I don't escape. I looked at my dad in a 'how could you face.' I saw his pack turn to look at my dad worriedly.
I put my head down following then along. This can't be it, my father has to do something. But then again why would he? I just have to wait. Any moment now. Any moment.
But he never did anything and all he did was turn the other way with his whole pack following him without taking a glance at me. I couldn't believe my dad would ditch me like this. Especially what I did to their alpha.
As the pack went back to their houses it was only the king and me. The throne room looked similar as my dads but better. With silk that made it look exotic and large windows taller than me.
I looked at the alpha with fear that I was trying to hide.
He looked at me impressed.
"I'm surprised that your dad left you with me. He must really not love you. Or that he's thinking about a plan for you to escape. By the way has he ever talked about me?"
"Well all I know is that you are the toughest king alpha. That is all." I said as a lie so there was less if a chance he could hurt me. To make him feel superior.
"Not my name?"
He started to laugh. "Wow I'm surprised. My name is King Ravana. Amazing isn't it."
"Yes." I said being straight forward and to the point with him.
"Anyway after today. You are something quite different." He started to think. "I have made my choice on what to do with you. You will be my son's mate that way when your dad's dead or not I will have two packs."
"Then why didn't you just finish him off; while the packs were watching?" I said but then regretted it.
"Oh Moonlight. Because everything comes with time. Thinking smart is the best key. Sure you can lead a horse to water but that doesn't mean it would drink."
I tilt my head still not understanding.
"Anyway I'm done with you but before you get out and onto the dungeon I want you to see your mate." He then called out,"Sammael!"
I turned my head as I heard the doors opening slowly and in came a boy a little older than me. With dirty brown hair, green eyes, and tanned skin that also looked dirty. But his face looking mean and nasty. I will admit he was a charmer but something I didn't like about him so many mixed emotions.
"Yes?" He said sounding annoyed.
"Meet your new mate."
He looked at me in my wolf form his eyes didn't show any amusement. But lifting up his eyebrow. As in saying 'this is her.' He looked up at his father. "And what is in it for me?"
"She is princess of the northern pack." He snarled.
He looked at me again. "I guess but she needs some new changes."
I did a worried gulp. What did he mean by that?
"And where is she going to stay?"
"In the dungeons of course." And with that he left. Leaving me here. While the king ordered the guards to take me to the dungeons.

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