Chapter 19: Murder Solving

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I did have to go to work. I wasn't lying. If I showed up late or called in sick again, Anne was going to fire me or at least she should since it would be the zillionth time I'd flaked out in the last two weeks. And, even so, I might have ditched work again, but I was a little annoyed with Ethan. I didn't think we should go to the police yet. I know I got that email and that was definitely a warning, but we had at the very least a few days before someone came after me. Liz had gotten the email over a week before she was killed. I wanted the killer to have the time to take the bait.

Ethan could go battle it out with Detective Dixon and his styrofoam cups alone. That guy irked me too. It wasn't like the Detective was going to listen to something a couple of kids had to say. He had made that abundantly clear. Twice. Ethan was probably wasting his time. I just hoped Detective Dixon did listen when the time came that we really needed him to. Like, if someone really did decide to kill me by overdosing me with heroin or something.

I was about to get out of my car and walk into work when my phone beeped. Ethan had texted me: Here at the station, waiting. Sure you don't wanna be here to help?

I texted back, feeling mean: Can't. But maybe Troy will come and meet up with me at work, though, if you're looking for him. Still want to talk to him about Jenna.

I don't know what possessed me to write that. I half hoped Ethan actually did think Troy would come visit me at work. Not that Troy would probably ever speak to me again after the way Ethan, my "friend," had freaked out on him. Still, Troy had said I should call him once I got the whole Ethan thing sorted out, so maybe there was still a chance I could get him to take me to Homecoming. After I made sure he wasn't a serial killer and all. I mean, it wasn't like Ethan was going to ask me.

I threw my cell back into my purse, locked the car, and walked toward the store. It was empty when I walked in, but I saw the glow of Anne's television through her office window. She must have started her daily movie early. She must still trust me, to have started it before I even got in. I was glad to know that she didn't think I was a total flake.

I had just set my purse down behind the counter and was pulling out my copy of Anne of Green Gables that I wanted to finish reading, when I heard the door chimes jingle. I looked up, getting ready to smile and say, hello to a customer. Instead, I froze.

Troy Matthews had just walked into the store. What was he doing here? I hadn't actually called him to invite him to visit with me despite my text to Ethan. What was going on? I knew he couldn't be psychic and besides, I hadn't told him I worked here. We hadn't had time to get that far between the interrogating and almost making out the other night. He hadn't even called me back from the night before. Troy finally spotted me and started walking toward the counter.

I didn't know what to do, so I simply said, "What are you doing here?"

"You IMed me," he said, walking closer. "And you left me a voicemail."

I did leave him a voicemail the night before, but I sure as hell did not IM him and tell him to meet me at work. I didn't even know his IM name. I looked toward the back office. At least Anne was there, if Troy tried killing me.

"I didn't IM you," I felt my voice crack. I had been so sure that Troy wasn't the psychopath too. I suddenly wished I had gone with Ethan to pay Detective Dixon a visit.

Troy frowned, "Yes, you did. You wanted me to meet you here."

Boy, was he insistent. Was it better to argue or appease an insane person? "Uh, ok, sure," I managed.

Troy was almost at the counter now. Anne had a button to call the police in her office, near the safe. Maybe I could signal her somehow if I could get her away from her movie for a minute.

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