26: Tour Time!

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AN- Heey guys! Finished all my homework YAY! No more maths tests...until next time...  and now I can update! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY! Oh and btw, this is an average fan fiction, i didnt want it to be but it is oh well! My new story wont be an average one though, its a bit different, itll be up when this story ends in maybe 7-14 chapters left until it ends. LET THE CHAPTER BEGIN!

Oh and WARNING: This chapter contains mature scenes and if you dont feel comfortable reading then skip to Nialls 2nd POV when I say to in the next authors note, thanks...and I hate writing these scenes it just...awkward ahahaha...nah! Its so funny writing them HAHAHAHAHA

Nialls POV 

2 weeks have passed and its been quite a fun two weeks, weve done alot of sight seeing around london, we all had a big dinner at the rainforest café which was awesome! Went to the London dungeons, it was well cool. And we were on the London Eye. We also all just stayed in and had a movie marathon day. There was also the part of going to Erins house and her asking about her going on tour with us all. They werent so sure but after a few hours they got to know us all and said that we were all very nice and aslong as there is no funny buisness. She probably ment Liam and Erin well not to do anything silly...Erin packed her things (Her whole room) and the boys and I put it on the bus and put her stuff away along with Steph, Kates and Lara's. Lara called her parents seen as they were in LA working. They were fine with it aslong as nothing 'goes on with harry' lthere exact words were "Okay fine you can go with them all, but that harry boy your dating we dont want you doing anything silly like when we caught you with that boy Spencer two years ago, riding him like a horse" Lara was horrified but we were all pissing ourselves even Harry! "Mum! Shut up!" Lara said. "Okay haha, I need to go honey bye!" Her mum said and hung up. So everyone was able to come and Steph didnt bother to ask her parents. 

We are at the airport now and management has sent all of our things over for us seen as there is tons and when we get off the plane our tourbus will be waiting for us, it must be a different one because there is no way they can fly a huge tour bus from London to Madrid, which reminds me, thats the place Kate and I met, at a hotel inMadrid. 

"Plane 23 to Madrid will now board" The voice boomed through the speakers, I took Kates hand and picked up my hand luggage filled with snacks.

We showed our passports and boarded, walking to the first class part and taking our seats.

"I cant believe im going on tour with One Direction!" Kate Smiled.

"Yeah neither can I! IM gonna marry Louis and he will love me forever!" Louis said jumping up and down.

"Cam it tommo" Paul said taking his seat, we all sat down and buckled then the plane took off. As did Harry with his clothes!

-1 hour later- 

"Harry when you go to the toilet wrap the blanket around you no-one wants to see you naked" Erin laughed.

"Lara might!" Harry smirked grabbing a blanket.

"Exactly" Lara smiled.

"Im hungry" I moaned.

"Eat whats in your hand luggage Niall" Paul said.

"I did" I said.

"when the women comes round with the food youll get some" Paul said.

"Fine" I said my gaze falling on Kate who was sleeping. She looks cute when she sleeps.


We all piled out the airport and onto the toubus it was 3AM andI was exausted. 

"Im going straight to bed guys" I say as I get on the tour bus. 

"Me too" Kate yawns, even though she slept the whole way but it was like 11PM when the flight took off.

Everyone agreed ecxept for Harry and Lara who looked wide awake, how? I dont even know but Im too tired, I brush my teeth and get into bed.

"NO SEX TONIGHT EVERYONE OKAY!" Zayn shouted getting into his bed. I drifted off to sleep.

Harrys POV

I sit next to Lara, we are both pretty drunk, we may have had some alcohol on the plane, a few shots ssshhh! 

I stare into her her eyes and slurr "You are beautiful" Then I kiss her.

We melt into the kiss as it gets more and more heated.

(Okay if you dont want to read skip t Nialls POV this is pretty mature.)

Laras POV

The kiss Harry and I were sharing was getting extremely heated, he bit my lip for entry and I denied just to annoy him.

"Hey! Dont be bad or I will punish you!" Harry smirked.

"Oh im so scared Harold what ever would you do!" I played along.

"Well i will get you in trouble from Zayn and disobey him" He said lustly.

"Please no" I slurred, jokingly.

"Too late" He smirked taking his and my shirt off. He stripped himself and me until we were but naked. He just store at me.

"Take a picture itll last longer" I laughed drunkly. 

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in inserting his member inside, and woah was 8.8 inches big. We fell on the sofa and he went faster and faster, I let my orgasm out and I felt fireworks...

Nialls POV

I got woke up by a noise, I shrugged it off and went to get a glass of water, as I walked through the noise got louder then I seen them... I wanted to laugh out loud and puke at the same time but I just bolted through so they wouldnt see me... Oh im gonna have a fun time laughing at them tomorrow.

I open up twitter and type 'Just seen the scariest and funniest thing ever hahaha!' then the notifications flew in, I think ill answer some.

Ellzaaaaaaaaaa: Haha what is it? If you tell me Ill buy you KFC! x 

I quoted it: Hard to turn down that offer but sorry its a secret :) x

Her comments in return to my tweet were basically : ASSAJDGHjhasggkugFygkgdjhgs

hahaha lol.

Then I put my phone down and went to sleep.

AN- Well that was awkward! And hilarious, i didnt get into much detail coz it was awkward enough writing that. Oh on btw the way Laras fake mum says note that lara has not slept with anyone especially not a guy called spencer seen as thats her horse...HAHAHAH. Its a story its not the same as us all in real life we are 13 hahaha! add me on twitter, thats the one @Ellzaaaaaaaaaa or @smallcrazything :) bye guys x

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