3. Getting Ready

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(A/N) bit late but enjoy :)

"Sooooooo what you wearing then?!" giggled Steph. "Hmm I think I will where my red Vans, uh my new designer skinny jeans, my limited edition 1D top, the one that the whole thing is incrusted in clear diamond like crystals and then in the middle it says One Direction with all the boys signatures around it in red crystals. I'll wear my black and red baseball jacket too and of course accessories and my Our Moment Perfume you?!" Explained Kate. "I'll be wearing my purple converse and black designer skinny jeans, my limited edition 1D top that's similar to yours except mines is incrusted with black crystals and One Direction in the middle with the boys signatures in purple. I'm wearing my black leather jacket and like you said accessories and Our Moment!" Steph said jumping up and down like a kid.

"Okay we both better start getting ready, it's half four c'mon!" Kaye said as she skipped to the stairs. "Okay!" said Steph happily.

The girls both took showers and blow dried their hair, they curled/straightened it and put make up on, they got dressed and headed downstairs, it was five o'clock. They put some microwave meals in too cook then ate as fast as they could with no spillages, they went for the bus and caught it in the nick of time they had taken the 25 past five one so they could get their early. They arrived at 20 to six and there was already a huge cue but luckily they had their VIP passes. Kate and Steph flashed them at the guards and went on through. They took their seats, a few people with the VIP passes were here too already from their row and the row at the front. Kate looked around too see if she recognised anyone, then one person caught her eye. Kristie was walking in and too her seat right next to her. "Ew what are you slags doing here!" she snapped.

(A/N) finally know how to make my authors notes bold now woohoo genius lol and sorry was a bit late next will probz be tomorrow, it gets interesting now :D hoped u liked sorry was a bit short x

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