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Nialls POV: 

Hmm wonder if we will still go on that triple date, I hope its to Nandos, If its not a triple date Im sure Kate and I can go out by ourselfs, oh here they are all now. "So whats going on?" I ask, Im curious! "I have something to say." Harry says. "I think that when Louis and I met Steph and Lara we chose the wrong girl, Steph your a great person Steph and your really pretty too but you and I both know we would be happier with different people, and Im sure Louis would say the same" Harry said. "Swapsies!" Louis shouted. Lara and Steph giggled and ran to their 'new' boyfreinds haha, that was intresting. I yawned. "Guys its like almost 4AM!" I said. "I thought we were doing an all-nighter?" Zayn said. "Nah, im too tired" Liam said. "I'm going to bed" I said. We all agreed and Liam turned everything off and we went up stairs, we showed the girls to their rooms and then went to bed.

-1 Hour Later-

Harry's POV

Cant get to sleep cant get lara out of my head! Hmm everyone is sleeping I guess I could sneak into her room, so I can be close to her...No not do that you dirty minded children!.. I get up tiptoe and making sure I don't squeak the floor boards and wake anyone theyll probably get the wrong Idea! I walk through and open her door, she is sleeping peacfully, aaaw! I sneak in beside and she stirrs and wakes up, shit! "Who is that" She sais sleepily. "Its just me, I couldnt get to sleep, sorry I woke you" I whisper. "Its fine she says as she comes closer to me and burries her head in my chest. "Night Hazza" She sais. I kiss her forehead "Night Lara"

(A/N) its short but ill probably make it longer the nextchapter x

1D fanfic: Niall's Crushحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن