Second Letter.

169 37 3

27 March, 2013
12.00 AM

Dear Christian,

It's been two and half months and I still haven't heard from you. I'm too much worried about you. Are you alright? Elliot told me that you are, and I requested him to make sure that my letter reached to you. Because I think my mother hid the first letter. She never liked you, because you are so good and funny. She doesn't even let me hang out with your little brother Elliot now. I really want to hear your voice. That accent, I really want to see the face, that sexy laugh. Oh my gosh, I am apparently writing it down. Wow!

Sorry Christian. I can't help it but to write those things down. There is no limitation of describing your perfection. I wonder why do you even like a girl like me? I asked that question to you a thousand times. Yet, you didn't answer. You said, you kept it for the special time. I don't know when it is.

On a side note, I'm admitted to the hospital. (I actually didn't plan to tell you this) The reason is, yes again I tried to kill myself. But couldn't. Every time I wanted to die; I saw you. You stopped me, told me to be strong. I see you in every single dream whether it's a nightmare or an ordinary dream. I painted so many of your portraits that I don't think you need to take any photos for at least a year.

Oh and I just wanted to tell you, Summer will be here in the atmosphere soon. The beautiful summer evenings and nights. And you will have Summer vacation, won't you? Please come to this town. I want to have coffee with you even it's 45 degrees outside. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?  And I am okay Christian, don't worry about me. I am just a little bit depressed. (I am fucked, actually.) 

I am handing this letter to Elliot. So, I hope you'll get it soon. Hugs and kisses to you. Have a great day. And please be here as soon as possible. 

Yours truly,

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