Ashes to Embers - Chapter 8

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By Samantha Cook

Chapter Eight : The Return

"Come on Fey," Kelsey pleaded, but it was no use; Feya was not eating, drinking or moving from her infirmary bed. She barely talked since the fire, only once to ask Odin, "Is it true that he asked you to protect me, if anything should happen." She muttered this within minutes of waking up from whatever Stacy did.

"And I will do my best," Odin replied. She could see the look of valour on his features, but it was not protection she was looking for. Clarity and sanity were on her list while she tried to rationalise hearing his voice, but she was not afraid.

"I'm not staying here," she warned them, looking around the infirmary full to the brim of wounded Embers. The fire had caused numerous injuries, too many for Stacy to heal in one go, but only one death. "I'm not ill." Before she could swallow down any of their attempts at comfort, Feya ran from the room her eyes brimming, and nobody dared to stop her. The ringing came in her head signalling his ceremony, but she could not face it. Instead she let her feet take her to the storing room, her breathing growing more erratic with every step closer to the room. Eventually she curled up on the floor without thinking too much about where she was.

Hours passed until Kelsey found her, curled up next to the blood stain that marked the end of his existence. Had he died here, on this very spot or did he die outside on the grass?

Did he die on her back as she carried him for the building?

"Why him, what exactly did they gain from his death?2 Feya murmured. "He wasn't a future threat - he was human."

Without saying a word, Kelsey wondered towards her noticing the stain instantly. She sat down behind Feya, and leaned back so that she could share her warmth, unsure what exactly she was supposed to do. Then a thought came to her mind, finally making her gift feel useful.

"He is searching for something, or someone in the Velvet bunker, and he will not stop, even when it is found," Kelsey repeated, bluntly regurgitating the words Ashling had told her. In an instant, she was standing, her hands sorting through the trinkets on the shelves.

"What is it?"

"Derribus, there's something he wants that we have, or somebody he wants, and you two just got in the way." Her voice was distant, the cogs of her brain twisting into action. "You were in this room when it happened?" It wasn't really a question, but nonetheless, Feya answered with a feeble, "Yes."

"Well, then, it's either in this room, or, or..." she stumbled over saying his name. "Or it was one of you two that he wanted to kill for some reason. Either you two were in the way, or one of you was needed."Although something wasn't right about the way Ashling said, "even when it is found." To Kelsey, it sounded more like an object than a person - the person part could have been added to throw her off. "We'll do a Searching spell, one to reveal what our enemies seek, but if that doesn't work we could use one to find the object amongst this trash that has the most energy, and assume it's that."

"Sure," she answered blandly. Kelsey leaved to collect the things they would need: chalk to draw the channelling pentagon; a bowl of water for clear thoughts; whatever else the books told them would be helpful for their task at hand. But when Kelsey walked out, she left the ideas brimming around the room.

His last words told her about something...a possession that he had kept hidden in his old house. And to tell no one. Surely that wouldn't include Kelsey, but her soul felt too numb to share this information, so she settled on going alone. Just not right now. If what the Demons wanted did happen to be his hidden possession, then they clearly didn't know where it was anyway. And if they did, they would go straight to Tristan's shed and retrieve it before Feya could sneak out anyway. It didn't appear to matter at all when she picked it up. Only the guilt of ignoring Tristan's last request made her decide to g as soon as she felt fit too.

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