3 - Falling in 'Like'

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Check the YouTube video if you can! It's a little funny ;D

  I felt warm. Secure. Like my entire body had been stuck in Antarctica my entire life and I had finally found a warm fire and bed to sleep close by. I snuggled my head deeper into my pillow and made a quiet happy sound. Literally, I could probably lay here my entire life and not ever get up again. Am I exaggerating too much??

  I heard panicked voices through my sleep-addled brain. Why wouldn't they be quiet and let me sleep?

  With great effort I popped open my eyes and was slightly confused. All I saw was orange and yellow. I looked up slowly until I saw a neck, which was attached to a face. I froze. Holy fork Aang was holding me in his lap!!! My face flushed red, and grew even more so as I realized I had totally just snuggled into him earlier making happy cooing noises. I was mortified.

  He looked down from his conversation with who I assumed was Sokka and Katara. I quickly closed my eyes and evened my breathing out. For some reason I didn't want them to know I was awake yet. Maybe so you can stay in his arms longer. A voice inside my head sneered. I mentally smacked that voice in it's voice face. That soooo wasn't the reason. . .yeah. . .I listened in on their conversation now fully.

  "Hurry up we have a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to Omashu today!" I believe Sokka said. I couldn't tell 100% tell with my eyes closed but I was pretty sure.

  "We'll get there don't worry Sokka! You know we are practicing our bending right now anyway. Well at least I AM." Katara said.

  "Well I'm sorry! Someone needs to watch Skye, I just happen to be the one who did it." Aang responded.

  "You could watch her just as good from the lake we are in. She doesn't have to be in your lap." Katara shot back.

  "I'm braiding her hair." Aang mumbled.

  If I had my eyes open I'm pretty sure Katara would be rolling her eyes right now. But Aang wasn't lying, I felt soft tugs at my head and felt that most of my hair was done up. I gave Aang some credit, it did feel pretty secure.

  It got quiet except for splashing sounds, Sokka mumbling about being hungry, and Aang humming softy. He finished with my hair and I felt him relax a bit.

  I thought back to before I passed out. Geez, before my plane crash I never would have said that. But now? It felt like I was falling asleep (not of my own will) every other day!

  It hurt to think about before. Maybe I hit my head on something? A sentence poofed into my brain. "Don't play by the rocks Skye, you'll hurt yourself!" Hmmm that sounded like it could be my mom's voice! I had heard her say it before!

  Rocks also sounded familiar though for some reason or another. Maybe I was thinking of earth? It had rocks I guess. I slept on rocks once when I went camping. It hurt.

  I brushed it aside and stopped trying to remeber. I would eventually, and from the sounds I was hearing Katara was having a bunch of fun in the water.

  I opened my eyes slowly, blinking away the sleep. I came face to face with a giant furry creature. "EEEEKK!!" I grabbed onto Aang behind me and swatted at the furry thing.

  "Skye! Calm down! It's just Momo, my flying lemur." Sure enough I opened my eyes to see Momo sitting in front of me. He had only looked big becuase he was so close to my face.

  I released my death grip on Aang and smiled shyly. OKAY I have no idea where these crazy lovey-dovey feelings are coming from, I've only known him for like two weeks! The only crush I've ever had on anyone before was Sam Mitchell in kindergarten, and that ended when he dumped a pailful of sand down my shirt and stuck a wad of gum in my hair.

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