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  The screen of the tiny t.v glowed brightly, illuminating her face and the seat beside hers. Right now a commercial was playing, the jingle for the ad playing noisily in the background.

  Most everyone else was asleep. It was actually pretty late in the night, her momma would get mad at her for staying up so late to 'rot her brain' as she said.

  She glanced outside her window. Rain was leaving silky trails across, accompanied by the frequent lightning and thunder.

  She didn't like lighnting. Or thunder. Put together they were wild beasts, striking fear into anybody's heart.

  Her eyes were captured once again by the colorful screen in front of her, glad for a distraction, she allowed herself to watch another episode.

  The weather hadn't gotten to bad yet, although there was quite the storm starting to brew outside. It wasn't the lightning she was afraid of, she just wasn't too fond of what came after. . .

  Her mind darted back to the show in front of her. It wasn't a happy episode. Funny, she had never seen this one before. Was it a new one?

  In her show they were crying. It seemed to sad to be watching when she was already scared. Her hand reached for the power button.


  The world seemed to move with her, tilting, turning. What was going on?

  She turned towards the seat next to her. The girl lay sleeping soundly as if she had felt nothing. Weird clothes she had on. Funny, in the dark, she kinda looked like her.

  BOOM goes the thunder, CRACK, went the sky. The rain was coming down in sheets. She was sure that nothing was dry.

  It started to shake violently. Red warning lights were flashing, people were waking up.

  Masks fell down from the ceiling, and that's when she really started to freak out. Something was very wrong.

  The fasten seatbelt sign came on and she got here clicked. Her seat mate was still asleep howeve and did not. With fumbling fingers, she managed to click her safely in.

  The t.v in front of her was going static, warped images came through. People were screaming, a baby in the back was crying.

  She wanted to be anywhere but here. Her tiny hands hugged herself, trying to his away from the raging storm around them. Amidst all the chaos and screaming, she only heard one line crisply as if it was screamed right into her ear. Her blood ran cold.


  What did you think? Just a short teaser of book 2 and what's to come

How do you feel about Kaori??? Are you sad she's gone? And poor Sokka, he has no luck in the girlfriend department.

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