2 - Just Like Her

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  I slowly drifted to consciousness. How many times had I fainted already? Two, maybe three times? It probably didn't matter at this point, I didn't really care to keep track anymore.

  My eyes popped open and I surveyed my surroundings. It looked like we were still on Appa, but the sky was black and the only thing giving off light was a small lantern sitting up by Aang and the moon's soft glow on the clouds around us.

  I sat up and glanced at everyone. Aang was holding the reigns of his...flying bison...still wierd to say that. He seemed to be deep in thought, his eyebrows looked very worried.

  Sokka was staring up at the moon like someone had just kicked his orphan puppy and put it in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks. Ouch, that description fit though.

  Katara was staring at the flame in the lantern by Aang. At first I thought she was staring at him, but her eyes seemed to be following the dancing flame like she was remembering something. Her stare seemed far off.

  Then with a start I remembered what had happened before I had collapsed onto Appa. I remember this floating sensation then I said something and a flash of light....

  "HOLY CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!" I shouted, causing everyone to jump slightly. Appa jerked down from Aang pulling on his reign and I slid forward, crashing unceremoniously into him.

  My hands rested on his back and he glanced back at me for a second, making sure I was okay, before turning ahead without a word. I felt a tugging sensation, and I felt so calm and relaxed. I shook the feeling off, it was maybe just lack of sleep.

  As I realized who I had my hands on I freaked out again, and jumped away from Aang straight onto Sokka's lap. From a rock to a hard place. Great. I somersaulted off of him before he could say anything and ended up kicking Katara in the face.

  "Okay that's it!!" I hopped up and stood with my hands in the air. I don't know exactly what the fish is going on right now, but I'll be darned if I get close to one of them without answers first. No accidental kisses for me.

  Katara stood up with her hands on her hips, and a red mark on her forehead. "Do you mind telling us what exactly happened back there before you decided to pass out on us?!"

  I grimaced. She didn't have to yell it. Geez.

  "Actually yes I do mind."

  I sat down with my arms crossed and started thinking of a way to get off the giant flying beast and away from these three weirdos. Maybe back home even?

  "WAIT A DARN TOOTIN' SECOND HERE!!!!" I shrieked. My voice was gonna give out if I kept screaming so much.

  "I shouldn't even be here! Where in the heck did my plane even go after it crashed?! This is all some crazy dream I bet and I'll wake up safe and sound at home!"

  Everyone except Aang looked back at me confused. "What do you mean?" Katara asked.

  I held up a finger and raised my eyebrow. If I told them they were fictional people inside my head in a dream that would probably make them freak out and my dream would turn into a nightmare.

  New plan: Survive this place and get back to my family, prove if this is a dream or not.

  I grinned and scooted closer to everyone. "Nevermind that, I just had an upset stomach from a bad dream. It'll go away soon enough."

  Katara looked suspicious but Sokka just nodded along like he understood. Aang didn't say anything. He didn't do anything. Pretty much he just steered his giant flying monster.

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