Chapter 2

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I woke up around 6 with Harry's arm around my waist. I kissed his lips to wake him up. He did a small grunt that almost criminally adorable.

"Time to get up babe we have to get ready" I whispered to him.

"10 more minutes please?" he curled his bottom lip.

"You said that an hour ago, no no get up."

He grunted and rolled his body over mine to get out of bed.

I laughed while he stopped right above me to kiss me and continued landing on his feet, walking to the bathroom.

I heard the shower head so I began to dress.

I sat in front of the mirror trying to perfect my eyeliner when Harry jumped up from behind me, curls still dripping and said
"You know you don't need all that junk on your face, I like you without it."
Surprisingly he didn't mess up my line, safer for him.

"This junk makes me feel pretty" I protested.

"I think you're pretty," he mumbled kissing my cheek "with or without it. Now hurry up we gotta go if we want to make it to Louis' in time."

We got in the car, Harry holding the door open for me perusal, and we were on our way.
The drive was far but it didn't seem like it. Harry and I laughed and sang at the top of our lungs, stopped to pee because he always forgets to go before we leave; even though I tell him to go a million times.

We pulled up into the long brick driveway leading to a beautiful big beige house.

Behind us, Niall pulled up in his Porsche.

"Aye look who made it!" he cheered to us.

"We decided to be social today." Harry joked, giving Niall a brotherly hug.

"Brooklyn haven't seen you in weeks, looking beautiful as always, hows everything?"

" Well thank you, I'm good I Started working out again, I feel... well good" I smiled.

" Sounds exciting, ready to go inside ? I hear Louis cousins are keen to see us."

"Well then, we shouldn't keep them waiting." Harry grabbed my hand and we made our way to the door.

Once inside it was spectacular.

It looked almost like a hotel. Louis had bought a big house for the family and who ever wanted to stay in it. Two giant stair cases on opposite sides of the room and down the middle, a way to the kitchen and back yard.

All of a sudden I felt two petite hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who!"

With that accent and tiny hands, I had no choice but to say "Perrie !"

I turned around & hugged her.

I looked over to Zayn who was already half way down the hall with Harry, he seemed mad considering he didn't even say hi.

"Oh don't mind him, he's just pissed because he got lost on the way here and we had an argument, he should be fine by tonight." she explained.

"Should we go see if Louis mom needs any help?" I asked, I was always one to help in with parties.

The year mom was sober for about 2 weeks, we planned this amazing party for my 9th birthday. We had cake, music, lights, everything was perfect. That was up until the day of the party, mom couldn't handle her liquor and fell right back to were she started. Yes, she drank at her 9 year olds birthday party, at 3 in the afternoon. Classy right ?

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