Chapter 7: The Choice, Ane Ammends

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*Rythians POV*

“He said what?” she froze, as if she couldn’t move. Suddenly she rose her robotic arm, and a holographic image appered. “Duncan, you bastard! What have you done to her!” I demanded. “Id watch your tone If I were you.” I take a deep breath. “What did you do to her?” I said calmer. “I gave her an option. When I first had her, as you already know, I modified her arm. As you don’t know, theres a bomb.” No. no, nonono he put a bomb in her arm. “Her options were A, join me and help me convert you to my side. B, I press the button.” I gulp. “wh-what did she choose?” I said nervously. Please tell me she wasn’t stubborn, please tell me she didn’t throw away her life to protect me. “She chose, to let you choose. Since either way they effect you more than her.” Thank goodness, she wasn’t stupid. “Is it debatable?” “Name your price.” “You let her go, and I’ll join you.” I cant let him change her. “How do I know you’ll go peacefully?” “She said you had Teep, and he was on youre side. We both know he didn’t choose that. You obviously did something to him. If you let her go, I give you full permission to do the same to me.” The scientist smiled. “Deal.” I look at Zoey, still unable to speak or move. But she was still able to mouth the word ‘no’ to me. “Yes Zoey, I have to do this, its either join him, or loose you. Either way I loose you, but if I join him ill at least know your alive.” “Come to my castle tomorrow at noon, bring the girl.” “I said only if you let her go.” I growl. “I know, bring her so I can dis-arm her. See what I did there?” hes and idiot. “Fine, but you have to promise to free her afterwards.” “I promise.” I don’t believe him. But I don’t have any other choice but to believe him. The hologram disappears, and she falls to the floor. I run over and catch her before she hits the ground. “Rythian, why?” she said weakly. “You’re my apprentice, its my duty to protect you at all costs.”

*Rythians POV*

 “You’re my apprentice, its my duty to protect you at all costs.” I said to her, the she bagan to bawl, I tried to comfort her, but to no avail. Eventually she calmed down. I know Duncan will probably change me, and make me forget most things. So I wanted to make amends to those I’ve wronged, and thank those who have helped me. In other words, say my goodbyes. Zoey insisted on spending every moment with me until it was time, so she was coming aswell.  We started at Inthelittlecorp. I may have never been great friends with Martyn, but he was one of the few people in the world that wasn’t either afraid of me, or hate me. So I wanted to thank him for that. “Rythian! Zoey! Oh my god youre okay!” Martyn said from above as we came near there clearing in the forest. “Yes we are, for now.” I said as he came down from the tree’s. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, “before I explain, how much do you know?” I ask him. “All I know is Duncan wont stop bragging about how he’s going to have the second most powerfull person in this world under his control.” He said, and a tear fell from zoeys eyes. “I should start from the begging then.” I told him, he took us to the site of Inthelittlecorp so we could sit. He got Toby from the factory area, and we sat down. I told them everything, earning sympathetic looks wich I really didn’t want. We stood in silence, minus the faint sound of zoey crying, until Martyn spoke. “I’m really sorry.” I frowned under my mask, even though he couldn’t see it. “Don’t be. Its not youre fault its duncans. But since its my last day of freedom, I decided to make my rounds and basically say my goodbyes.” With that zoey burst into tears, Toby took her into the tent to calm her down. “I wanted to thank you. Youre one of the few in this world who don’t hate, or fear me. And for that im gratefull, I may not know you very well, but I can tell youre kind hearted. So I ask a favor of you.” He nods and motions for me to go on, “I want you to take Zoey far away from here. Teach her things, most importantly, protect her.” He looks at me straight in the eyes and says, “I will. I will teach her the way of the forest, and protect her with my life.” He said as Toby and Zoey come back out. “Thank you, I trust you’ll pass on what I said to toby?” I ask to him and he nods.

We leave and head off for Honeydew INC. I pray Duncans not on duty today. We arrive at the factory and nobody is in sight, “Anybody here?” I yell. “Just a second!” I hear Lewis shout back, moments later he decends from the floors above. The second he see’s who it is his face goes pale and he stiffens, “Im so sorry.” Was the first thing he said, “Don’t be. Before I go on, how much do you know?” He replied with the same response as Martyn, he went and grabbed simon before I told them everything.  “So the reason im here is to thank you, for being two of the few people who don’t hate or fear me.” I said before they could give me there pitty. Simon remained still, with his mouth wide open, while Lewis stood and spoke, “This is… Just… not right. I have to go talk with Duncan, Best of luck to both of you.” He said as he went to leave, I stopped him. “Its no use, you wont change his mind. Go if you’d like, but im just telling you, it wont work.” I say as I move out of the way. He leaves and Simon remains frozen, Zoey and I leave and head for Sjips co, this is the one I fear the most, but its also the one that needs to be done the most.

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