Chapter 3: Convincing the girl

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*Duncans POV*

Good. Now that that’s sorted, next thing on the list. I head for the lab knowing exactly what I want to do. Grabbing the things I need, checking them off in my head. Invisability cloak, check. Flying ring, check. Player locator, check. Portal gun, check. Signs, check. I grab the player locator and type in Rythian. It points me in the right dicection and I set off, being sure to put the invisibility cloak on befor arrival. Ok now for a spot, over there looks like there tent, perfect. I wrote my message in signs, ‘I have your apprentice, if you want her back come to whst was once the location of blackrock hold tomorrow at noon. Bring your dinosaur if you’d like. I promise not to hurt her, But if you make one wrong move, your apprentice, will be no more. ~the scientist’

That’s done, now part 3, Convincing the girl. “What do you want!” The girl shouted as I entered the portal. Her hands free as expected. I snap my fingures and the ropes appear on her again, she falls to the ground and sits up. “Just came to talk, the ropes are just a percausion.” She sighed. “I haven’t changed my mind if that’s why you’re here.” “I know you haven’t changed your mind, remember?” I say tapping my finger to my head. She nods. “What did you want to talk to me about?” I smile. “Were going on a little trip, away from here.” Her face lit up with exitment, and then fear.

“No, im not helping you. I’ve told you already I refuse to become your student” why is she so stubborn? “I know, and what a shame it is you choose that, but student or not, your still my key to him.” ‘that’s right’ I heard her think. ‘I’m his key’ “wait,” she spoke out loud, ”what if I said yes? What if I agree to become your, student? Then what?” she asked curiously. “well, with you as my student, an Rythian my partner, we will be unstoppable!” I said with a roar. “That wasn’t what I meant by that question, if I agreed, how would you use me for him?” She asked. “well, if you were my student, you wouldn’t mind helping me transfer rythian to ’the dark side’ as you call it.” I laugh. “Is that how you see it zoey? ‘the dark side‘? magic and science together as one, you said yourself how wonderful that would be. So why do you consider it, ‘the dark side’ if its all you’ve ever wanted?” ‘I’ve never thought of it that way’ she thought ‘he’s not wrong, magic and science in harmony is all I’ve ever wanted.’ “I know, you’ve always seen me as the bad guy, because he said I was. But I’m not the bad guy here Zoey. Honest. Tell you what, you have until curfew to decide. Ill be back then to get your answer.”

*Zoeys POV*

“Ill be back then to get your answer.” The scientist said as he went through the portal, closing it behind him. I don’t know what to think. On one hand Rythian is my master, I’m his apprentice, he’s kind to me, and I’ve developed feeling for him, but does he feel the same? And on the other hand Duncan could be my teacher, I could be his student, magic and science together in piece. But wait, siding with Duncan could get me rythian. If he and Duncan became partners I could be with my master, and my teacher. But would Duncan allow that? Or would he not let us be near each other because he doest want to risk anything. I don’t know if I could do that, seeing Rythian everyday, but not being able to even talk to him. Or worse, not seeing him at all, but knowing he’s there. Knowing he’s just within my reach but never being able to even see him. And is that a risk I’m willing to take? The next thin I know the portal opens, and surly enough theres Duncan. “have you made your decision?” he asked sincerely. I nod. “I’ve made my decision.

*Duncans POV*

“Ill become your student, but only if I can remain his apprentice.” She said. “you realize that I cannot allow you to have regular contact with him correct?” I said with a sigh. I said with a sigh. “what do you mean ‘regular contact’?” she asked back. “I mean, you’ll be permitted to speak with him occasionally, but not on a daily based. Also I cannot allow him to teach you anything, if he knows anything that I’m not aware of and teaches it to you that could be dangerous.” Not to mention that her being able to see him all the time would give her hope, dangerous, dangerous hope. “so in other words, no.” she replied. “pretty much.” “then I’m afraid I must decline.”

Foolish girl. Could she not see the offer on the table? Did she not know what I was offering to her? “very well, what a shame. But I’m afraid it is time to prepare.” “prepa….” Before she could continue I hit her with a blast of wind. She opens her mouth to speak but no words come out. ‘Duncan, I know you can hear me, why cant I speak?’ “because, you being able to speak would allow you to tell of my plan and since we are not allies I cannot safely trust you with that information. So I simply muted you. And as for transportation,” I form a ball of light and launch it at her, shrinking her to the size of a thumbtack. I then scoop her up and place her in a cage slightly bigger than her, then I string a chain through the loop on the top and places it around my neck. “ok my little accessory,” I said mocking her. “it’s a shame you chose this fate. But now I must keep tabs on you at all times so that you cannot escape. Because as you know if my key escapes, my plan crumples. So that in mind, I need to do some modifications to your arm” ‘you’ll never be able to do anything on my arm successfully at this size’ she thought to me. Shoot she’s right, “I know, I had every intension of temporarily resizing you so I could perform the necessary procedures,” I lied. I grab her from the cage and put a sleep spell on her. I perform the modification procedures and take her to the lab.

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