Chapter 5: My little electroide

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*Zoeys POV*

“I don’t understand why didn’t that work?” Rythian said baffled. Suddenly I haer Duncan speaking, ‘it’s a warded spell. Only I can reverse it, but I thought I should remind you, I can hear what you hear and see what you see, as well as telepathically communicate with you, and send you mental images. Such as this.’ suddenly a  image appears in my mind, its Tee, hes in a dark room, wait a minute, is that the cellar I was in? ’yes it is, and yes its exactly  what it looks like’ the scientes replied as his voice faded away. “Rythian weres Tee?” i shout.

“Last time I checked he was in his tower” “we need to go there, now. No time to explain” I said as asking him to put me backin my necklace. Then they take off toward the tower. “he’s not here,” Rythian said. “I wonder were he could be.” “I know where he is” I proclaimed, “but I have to go alone. Its to dangerous for you to come.” “I cant let you go alone, your to small to fight back and I don’t want to loose you.” the boy said. “I don’t want to lose you to, that’s why you cant come.” I replied. “very well, but at least allow me to insert a microsophicchip into your arm so I can find you if I need to.” “ok, that’s ok, but how will you know if you need me?” i ask. “Duncan’ll tell me if you need me im sure.” “how do you know he’s behind it.” he cut me off. “who else would It be? Sjin already captured tee once with no avail why would he again?” i noded. “your right. But do you know how to insert the chip? Because if not I can hel…” he cut me off again. “I don’t like science, that doesn’t mean I don’t know about it and how it works. I help you build that arm, I can insert a simple chip just fine.” “Fair enough, lets go to the lab at camp to do it.” we got to the lab at base and Rythian laid me down under a microscope. As Rythian reached for the arm witht a pair of twezers. The arm moved itself out of the way. “hold still Zoey,“ he insisted. “but that wasn’t me” I insisted. “then who wa….” he cuts himself off mid word “Duncan. Did he touch your arm at all?” I thought hard for a second. “I cant remember, I think I woke up in what he called a ‘recovery tube’ but that’s all I remember.” “the bastard!” Rythian shouted. “he can controll your arm now, and most likely use it as a weapon. That son of a bitch,” suddenly a laser shot out of my hand barley missing Rythian as if to answer him. “I cant let you go alone now.” “fine. But we should go now. We have to hurry” i guid him to the cave. Surely enough there was a portal there. “let me go first,” Rythian insisted. I noded, the boy went to step through, but crashed into the portal as if it was a wall. “let me try,” I said.

“he prabbly has it so only I can go through.” “ok, ill go back to base. Surely he’ll tell me what next.” He said in disappointment. “be carefull, and don’t trust him.” He exited the cave. I into the portal and it closed behind me. As i stepped into my former cellar I grew back to my normal size, in front of me was Teep and the scientist. The scientist had a large scratch on his arm. But the dinousour is not tied up as he was in the image she saw, he is standing up next to the scientist pointing a gun in her direction. “Duncan what did you do to him, why is he pointing that thing at me, not you.” “Well, unlike you, he choose the correct answer and joined me.” Duncan replied proudly. “How can you understand him, he’s mute. How do you know he’s not just playing the role of your student and is going to turn on you?” “Simple, im telepathic remember. I can communicate with him. And much like I did you, a made a few small ajustments to him to keep im in shape” he said grinning. I look at my arm. “but how? I can understand how you did it me, having a robotic arm and all, but he doesn’t.” “ah, but he does have brain. I could’ve done it to you, but that would reqire removing some of your beautiful firey hair, the arm was simply easier to acess.” “So what did you do to him?” I asked frustrated. “a few personality changes to make him a bit more, reasonable.” “So he didn’t WANT to join you, you forced him.” “possablly, no matter hes with me now and soon Rythian will as well, but your here because I needed to tell you something without you being able to immideatly repeting it to him. The modiffcations I did to your arm involve a self disrtuct button, and I have the remote, so if he tries to touch your arm again. Boom.” He informed me. “what if I were try to to tamper with it” “Ha! Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? But go ahead and try, no dought youll blow yourself up though. Now go back my little electrode.”

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