Chapter 6: He said what?

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 Then darkness. When I open my eyes im laying down in a bed at base. The mage was sitting on the other side of the room, turned to me, saw I was awake and rushed over. “Rythian? What happened?” I asked, not quite remembering. “im not exactly sure, all I know is that when I got back you were on the ground in the middle of base, unconscious. So I layed you down in your bed and gave you a recovery potion. Thank goodness your back to size though. You’ve been out a while. But im glad your ok, what did he want?” I thought hard as I remembered. If I tell him he’ll want to try to do something about it even if I tell him Duncan has the remote. No I cant tell him. I’ll have to deal with it myself. “he want to tell me that he has tee, and that he’s on his side now.” She answered. “What?” the boy exclaimed. “How? Why? Theres no way he’d go willingly.” I thought back. “Duncan did have a huge scratch on his arm, so at least we know he put up a fight.” If I tell him that he modified him, hed ask more. “He must’ve done something. He didn’t tell me, just that he was on his side,” I lied. “Ok, now that you’re safe, we need to discuss what happened when Duncan got you the first time.” I thought hard. “I went for a walk and found that cave, something told me to go inside. I reached my hand in and felt around and he pulled me in. Next thing I know I was tied up in a room. He told me his plan. Then made me an offer, he offered to be my teacher. I refused. Then I woke up in a tube, he shrunk me, caged me, and you know the rest of that. That’s about all I can remember without getting to specific.” Rythian looked confused. “How many times did he ask you exactly? To be his student?” “Let’s see…. 3 I think.”  And the offer still stands I hear in my ear. “no, 4.”

Rythian sighs, “That means he ment it. Once an offer. Twice a chance. Third a threat. Fourth a demand. And knowing Duncan, he wont give up. He’s perrsistant. He’ll be back and we’ll be ready.” No, if he tells me anything he’s telling Duncan everything. “ok, but im not sure how, why don’t you do it?” He smiled. “Youre my apprentice, its my job to teach you.” I know, but youre teaching Duncan. “Id rather not, know the plan.” Rythian looked conserned. “Why? You hate it when I keep the plan from you.” He’s right, I hate not knowing the plan. But id rather not know if me knowing mean Duncan can to. “Because, me knowing the plan could be dangerous.” He looked more confused. “How?” I have to tell him he can hear what I hear, see what I see, and hear what I think. You will do no such thing. You will not tell him, and you will listen to his plans. You don’t control me Duncan. I’ll tell him if I want to. One word, button. *gulp* fine. I wont tell him. “How is it dangerous?” Rythian repeated, slightly slower as if I didn’t understand. I bit my lip. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” “Ok, so do you want to know the plan or not?” yes you do “Yes, I do, but not right now. I think I’m going to head to the library, I need to read up on a few things.” “ok, need any help?” he asked concerned. “Actually, yes. I want to figure out how to improve my arm.” Rythian sighed. “are you sure that’s a good idea? Especially since he can control it.” He has a point, but Duncan said I could try. “Im sure. But I want to do it, you can help, but I want to be the one actually doing it.” “Ok.” He agreed. Suddenly the room starts spinning. “Rythian, the room is spinning, why is the room spinning!” he runs over to catch me from falling. Then I blacked out. Then im dreaming, Duncan is there. “What do you want?” I demand. “I came to a decision. You WILL become my student.”

He said with a stair. “That’s not your decision to make.” I replied truthfully. “Youre right, but I can help you make your dicion, you have two choices. One you become my student, AND help me convert Rythian. Two I press this button.” He says holding out a button labeled ‘Zoeys life’ I can tell that’s the button to my arm. “I choose, the second. Id rather die than help you change rythian, He means more than my life.” “You are aware you said that aloud?” I nod. “Whats the difference? You can read my thoughts anyway.” He smiles. “I know that, I wasn’t sure if you remembered. But I knew you would say that, so I took that into consideration. If I were to press the button I would be sure to do it when you were together. If you wernt I would change the range so it could get him aswell.” *Gulp* “So, last chance. Choose wisely.” He said with a grin. “I choose to let Rythian choose.” He looked confused. “Im sorry?” “I said, let Rythian choose. If it involves him either way he should have a say. So I choose to leave it to him.” He laughs. “Sure, why not put things in my favor for me. He will choose your fate.” I wake up. “Thank goodness your ok. What happened?” “Duncan, he came to me in my dream he said you-“ then I froze. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move. “He said what?”

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