Lunchroom fight XD

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"Huh spaz? whatcha gonna do about it?" Christine snarls at me .

Like I mentioned earlier, I don't particularly like to get in fights but this know it all slut was getting on my last nerve.

"Look... quit calling me a spaz, you goody two shoes bitch!"

As I say that I can hear a gasp from all over the lunch room. I decide to speak my mind to her. I get in her face and.... yes... I do impose a threat.

"Look! I've had about all I can take of your crap and if it takes me beating the shit out of you to do it, then I gladly will!". As I get the last word out of my mouth she calls her posse of whores over to help her.

With a big smile on her face she looks at me and says "bring it spaz".

At that last word I lunge towards her and punch her in the left eye and she stumbles back. " I told you to stop calling me that !"

Brooklyn walks over and decides to help me on the fight. She is beating the crap out of two of the girls in the whore posse. God..... I love my friends.

Right when I'm about to punch Christine again I see a familiar and extremely sexy face looking at me. OH CRAP.. he's been watching this whole scene . He's probably going to think that I am more of a freak then before .

At the moment I was distracted Christine comes up behind me and grabs me by the hair... and may I say... wuss move. so as I'm being dragged by my hair I find a fork on one of the lunch tables. I grab it and stab Christine in the hand. she yelps and quickly let's go of my hair .

"You bitch! look what you did to my hand ." I look down at her hand and see that the fork is practically embedded in her hand. blood is gushing , and I think I can see bone. She whimpers off and I can't help but laugh.

Brooklyn walks over to me and gives me a high five. "I can't believe you just did that ... that was fuckin AMAZING!"

"ughhh.. don't celebrate so soon " I say that because I see the principle walking towards us. CRAP!

"You two are in huge trouble" he says .and then he comes towards us and escorts us to his office. we sit in the front of the office for what seems like ages and then the weirdest thing happens .. Ashton walks in the door. he goes straight back to the principles office and after a few minutes he walks out with the principle following him.

"Ok.. it seems like this was all a huge misunderstanding.. you two were just defending yourselves and the other girls were the ones who started it. according to this young boy, you two ladies were just defending yourselves. you are free to go. Oh, but if you see the other young ladies , tell them I need to speak with them "

We both nod and run out of the office. I turn towards brooklyn and ask her what the crap just happened . i mean, why would he defend us and not Christine ?

As I walk down the hallway I look back and see Ashton . he looks at me for a minute and then I it? Yes! it is! a smile . HE SMILED AT ME !

A/N : another cliffhanger...huh . I bet you have no idea what happens next.. Mwahahaaha! XD but... i hope y'all liked it

Toodaloo XD ;)


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