Falling for a Fantasy

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Everyone says that love doesn't exist especially when you are young. They also say that betrayal burns and that revenge is common. They may be true but there are some cases where they are wrong. Remember...actions speak louder than words and in most cases it is easier to say I love you than it is to prove it....

Chapter 1:

I woke up in a daze. My head was pounding and when I looked at the clock I panicked. "Shit! I'm gonna be late". The clock read 7:00 am and I have to catch the bus at 7:05 am. I quickly put on some sweat pants, a big t shirt my trusty converse, and pulled my nappy red hair into a messy bun. I sprint down my driveway and barely manage to catch the bis but I do it.

As I get on the bus I can hear my best friend Madison laughing at me. Now may I just inform you that my best friend is probably the loudest, most stubborn person ever."Morning sunshine." I just give her one of my trademark glares and walk to my seat. The rest of the bus ride I just tuned everyone out and listened to my iPod

When I get to school everything seems normal except one thing. I hear all the students gathering around and I can just barely make out the words "new kids". This gets me wondering. It would be so cool to have new kids because our school rarely get any.

As I walk to my first period class I start to wonder ...what will the new kids be like, what will they look like, who will they talk to first .

I guess I wasn't paying attention because Madison comes up to me and slaps me on the back of my head.

"Claire Ann Thompson ....SNAP OUT OF IT!!"

"Oh..sorry...i was just.....hey....have you met the new kids yet?"

"Ummm....no not yet but I'm pretty sure you'll meet them eventually."

The rest of the day seems pretty normal..until I walk in to my third period class. as soon as I walk through the door I see one of the new kids. He is sitting in the back of the room and may I say .. HE IS F-I-N-E. He has black hair and big blue eyes. As soon as I try to look away he look up and sees me staring...Awkward. and then, all of a sudden, he comes towards me...

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