Love and tears

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I am putting my panties in my suitcase when Max walks into the room in his boxers. I had finally called him by his first name and that's because I am completely in love with him. Last night had been perfect for a while. Not even Joe had made me feel what he did. It's like my body was meant for his. But in the end we were back to the mess this situation is. He had asked me what he could do to make me stay. I didn't say anything because I wanted to here it from him. I wanted him to tell me that he had ripped the papers and that he loves me.

"Nora," he has his arms wrapped around me. His chin rests on my shoulder where he whispers my name with a silky voice. He smells like alcohol which tells me he had gone downstairs to drink last night.

"Your lawyer can talk to mine. We won't need to see each other again," I feel his cheeks touch my ear and his head lowers. It's a gesture that tells me he is as tired as I am.

"Why won't you stay? Is it him? Do you still love him?" He sounds impatient now.

"I won't stay because I am done Max. I am tired and I am sure you are too. This was a mistake since the beginning. I was the stupid one. I am the one that looses," my hands are trembling. He takes the fabric from my hand and throws it on the bed. I melt into his arms and cry.

"I am sorry," he turns me around and takes me in his embrace. "God I am sorry Nora. I don't know how to do this. I just know that I want you to stay."

I pull away and wipe my eyes. "Why? So you can keep having me whenever you want? So you can tell me what to do and what not to do?" I am probably being dramatic because things aren't exactly that way. The nights we had spent naked on the bed were voluntarily and he didn't demand things from me anymore. His face shows the pain my accusations bring.

He moves to the closet and comes back with pieces of paper, our contract. In front of me he rips them into small pieces. They fall between us and it's like another light is turned on in the room. "I've been done with that stupid contract. When I asked you to marry me I wasn't faking it. I feel out of control and I would be lying if I didn't say it feels bloody amazing because I feel for you Nora. The way you kiss me, the way you feel under my arms, it's fucking real."

I don't know what to say. This is what I wanted. I wanted him to rip the papers and he just did exactly that.

"I need you to stay."

I am about to tell him how I feel when the door falls open. A woman stands by it, arms crossed. Vinny comes in behind her breathing heavily, "I am sorry Max I couldn't stop her."

"Are you finally making her pack? I guess I arrived in time then." She's smiling at Max.

"What are you doing here?" Max asks her looking as surprised as I am. There's something in his voice that I can't comprehend.

"I told you I would be back."


"Who are you?" I ask. She stares at me and gives me the most pitiful look. "I am his woman Nora. For years me and Max have slept on that bed." I look over at Max but his eyes are filled with regret. I feel like an idiot. I have actually believed him when he said it was real. But the bed we shared for weeks, the bed were I gave myself to him is the same bed he shared with this woman. I want to throw up.

"Vinny please take me home." My words are getting caught up in my throat. I am not going to cry in front of him again. Vinny doesn't look at Mr. Hamilton for approval. He grabs my suitcase and walks towards the door. I am following behind him until Max pulls me to him.

"Nora let me explain," he pleads.

"It's clear enough Mr. Hamilton. It was from the beginning. Now let me go," I pull away with all my force from his grip and walk out.

"Nora!" I ignore his voice.

"Max come on let's catch up," is the last thing I hear the mysterious woman say before I am out.

Vinny doesn't say anything. He lets me cry and hands me tissues. "You've probably seen a lot of women cry for that man," I say wiping my cheeks.

"A few. Just none like you. You're a complete mess Nora," I smile at his attempt to humor the situation.

"Who is she?" I ask hoping he won't give me an excuse that he can't share information because his boss doesn't allow it.

"She's a woman that Max had around a lot. She kept coming back and he had no problem with it. He enjoyed her company because she actually listened. I thought he would settle with her at some point but she's no good for him," more tears fall.

"I fell in love with him Vinny," he makes a turn and looks at me through the reviewer mirror.

"Then why did you leave?"

"We're not on the same page. He's obviously seen other people."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't defend him Vinny."

"Max has had his history breaking hearts... but that's history," I am on that list. I am one of those women. "I don't just think you changed him Nora. I am sure of it. You make him a good man. Even if he doesn't like it."

"Sometimes you just have to let things go Vinny."

"Sometimes," he says.

"You have 3 minutes to get out of my house!" I scream at Caroline.

"Oh come on Max seriously?" She has to go, she runs a hand through my chest but I stop her.

"That woman is the one I love. And you know very well that I haven't been with you or any one other than her for the past months. Get it in your head Caroline. You're nothing to me," she slaps me across the face but I can care less.

"She won't come back Max. When you realize that you know where to find me," she walks to the door and slams it shut.

I grab the fabric that Nora had left reminding me of her smell. I get my phone out and call Vinny.


"How's she?"


It's one word. One word that makes me feel like a bastard. God I love her so much. I need her to know.

"Where is she?"

"Sorry Max I gave her my word."

"Vinny just hang up," I hear Nora say.

"Put me on speaker Vinny."

"Okay," he says.

"Nora we need to talk. Just please give me 10 minutes and you'll understand," I sound desperate because I am. I need her.

The phone is silent for a while. All I hear is the sound of Vinny making a turn. "Hang up Vinny," Nora finally speaks.

"No, please just listen Nora. I am in love with you. I love you. I love you Nora, I fucking love you baby," I finally say it.

There is a long pause of silence again.

"This is the part were I tell Vinny to turn around so I can go back to you. But I am not Max. I wanted to hear those words from you but not after a woman walks into our bedroom and says she has slept on the bed we shared. You've done what you said you wouldn't. You've hurt me Max Hamilton and I don't think I can forgive you for that."

Then it's just the sound of the line disconnecting before I can say anything else.

I feel like I have lost her.

It hurts like a motherfucker.

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