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I am nervous. How can I not be? After what Mr. Hamilton had told me yesterday about his relationship with his parents I don't see how this is going to be a good dinner. I finish getting ready and head downstairs. Everyone was gathered up in the living room except for Mr. Hamilton who stands by the kitchen. I walk up to him and give him a kiss on the lips. Today I am playing the role Mr. Hamilton has asked for.

"We could go to a steakhouse instead," he says low enough so no one else can hear but me.

"Or you could present me to your family." I take his hand and move us to the living room.

"Is this she?" An older woman says all smiles. She's sitting beside an older man who wears a blank face. The Hamiltons of course.

"Nora Fray," I say shaking both their hands.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Mrs. Hamilton says. She tells me how she had seen me on TV with her son and she was hoping to meet me since then.

"Dinners ready!" Isabel yells peeking into the living room. We all make our way into the table and sit. We have our food served and we eat exchanging conversation from business, to Coles newest paintings, and to Zacks plans. Even Isabel and Lena get into the conversation but Mr. Hamilton sits beside me tense and quiet. I excuse myself from the table and go to the kitchen.

I grab the cake I had made earlier, put the numbers 2 and 3 candles, and lit them up. I walk into the dining room slowly and everyone falls silent as they see me.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." everyone else joins me and Mr. Hamilton looks up. I mouth 'surprise' as his eyes meet mine. He looks surprised and when I see a hint of a smile I want to give myself a little pat in the back. Everyone claps and I place the cake in front of him. "Make a wish," I say to him. He takes a pause and then blows the candles. There's a flash of a camera and then there's Mr. Hamiltons lips on mine for brief moment. Everyone cheers and smiles but all I can think about is how my heart suddenly feels warm when he touches me.

After a few board games The Hamiltons say their goodbyes. I go into the kitchen for another piece of cake. It hadn't been a complete disaster. I am sure his parents had bought our fake relationship. I have been the sweet girlfriend he wanted me to be. I take a spoon full of cake as Mr. Hamilton comes beside me.

"I think you became their favorite," he says taking the spoon from my hand and feeding himself a piece of cake.

"I am glad your parents like me Mr. Hamilton," I take my spoon back.

"I think everyone you meet likes you," he takes the spoon and places it on the plate. There's one small piece of cake left but instead of going for it he picks me up.

"Goodnight folks," Mr. Hamilton says to the group in the living room. He's still carrying me in his arms like a baby, I feel foolish.

"Night mate," Cole says sharing a smile with Mr. Hamilton. I roll my eyes and try to get myself down in two feet.

Mr. Hamilton holds me tight and carries me upstairs to our bedroom. He places me gently on the bed once we're in the room and hovers over me. "Thank you," he says sincerely.

"Happy birthday." I don't want him to thank me. I don't want him to act nice. I am afraid if he does I will be too weak to resist.

"Am I been too greedy if I ask for something else from you?" I feel his eyes on my breast and immediately I know what he wants. I want it to. The pleasure he brings me is undeniable but I need to have control when he doesn't.

"I am not having sex with you Mr. Hamilton." He smiles slightly. I know he's remembering the first time I had said that.

"It's not what I was going to ask for, although you mentioning it makes me think you want it."

I laugh hoarsely. He moves a hand from my thigh up to my cheek. My body instantly gives me away. "I want you to come live with me," he runs a finger through my lips. I close my eyes at the feel of his erection pressing against me. I moan. His hands are touching every inch of my body as his mouth kisses my neck hungrily. "Come live with me Nora," he whispers in heavy breaths. I shake my head no but my body is betraying me.

You need to have control Nora.

"No." I scowl and push myself away from him and off the bed. I instantly miss his body on mine, his lips on my neck. I want to crawl on top of him and give myself to him.

I am weak.

"And what is your excuse?" He sits up from the bed.

"You," I say. If I move in with him he will drown me. "You make me forgot at times. I find myself doing things I shouldn't.You're toxic Mr. Hamilton. The less I see of you the better it'll be." I unzip my dress and throw it over my head. He has seen me naked so surely changing in front of him doesn't matter anymore. I put on some shorts on and a shirt.

"You're to become my wife. May I remind-"

"No you don't! I now my position in all of this." It always comes back to the contract.

"Then you must come live with me."

"Then why ask me? Why don't you just demand me to get my things and move in with you? If you know in the end I don't have a say," I am angry now. I am tired of playing this stupid game.

He doesn't answer.

He stands and walks out of the room.

I hope he feels as miserable as I do. Even if it's his birthday. I can care less. There's no one around to witness the failure we are together. I get into bed and close my eyes. Wishing I could be sleeping on my on bed and knowing that I will wake up to my normal life again. Of course that's not the case. Mr. Hamilton rules my life now.

Work. Home. Nora. Work. Home. Nora. Weeks come and go. It's the same routine. I go to the office and come home where she waits for me. Sometimes she's this sweet Nora that I enjoy so much, others she's an ice queen. She kisses me only when it's necessary and that messes with me because I find myself touching and kissing her when it's not necessary. She will melt into my arms but something always pulls her back to the reality.

I kneel down in front of her, everyone around us stops dancing and watch us. She looks absolutely amazing in a red gown that matches her lips. "Nora Fray will you marry me?" She isn't expecting this. I know she had been acting before but this isn't an act she's ready for. She actually looks surprised but I also see that there's disappointment. But of course she covers it up with a smile. A smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Yes," she says giving me her hand. I take it and place the ring on her finger. I kiss her palm and get up to kiss her lips. Everyone cheers around us but I am too lost by the salty tears I feel on our kiss. I pull away and look into her eyes, eyes filled with tears. For the crowd it's tears of happiness but for me they are tears of fear and sadness that she hides behind a smile.

I hug her and whisper into her ear, "I will not hurt you."

"You just did Mr. Hamilton."

My chest aches as the words leave her lips.

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