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I have a smile on my face as I give Vinny my hand and walk out of the Mercedes Benz. I make my way inside the restaurant where I am eyed by the waitress and a few guests.

"Max Hamilton reservation," I tell her. She looks surprised but guides me to my table.

Mr. Hamilton stands when he sees me approach, he has a new look in his face, disapproval? I don't wait for him to push my chair in as I get comfortable myself.

When I had woken up I didn't bother looking in the mirror. I put on an old long dress I had found at a thrift store and put my hair in a ponytail. No makeup. Now that I seat in a fancy restaurant with a handsome wealthy man as my date I feel cheap and trashy. It's exactly how I wanted it to be, bonus points for me.

"How did you sleep Mr. Hamilton?" I ask as he takes his seat in front of me. He looks handsome of course in a long sleeve shirt with black jeans. His hair perfectly in place and his facial hair cut evenly in all places. Any girl would love to be in my place.

"Nora this is unacceptable. You are not dressed adequately for this dinner." He doesn't raise his voice but he aims it at me with a harsh tone, eyes burning into mines.

"Mr. Hamilton there was nothing in the contract about a dressing policy."

"This will not happen again."

I take his words as they are, a threat.

"What may I get you two today?" The waitress says approaching us and eyeing both me and Mr. Hamilton. I can't help but smile because I am sure she's asking herself what a guy like him is doing with someone like me. I excuse myself and head into the ladies room. I have to see myself in a mirror.

I don't look horrible. I am not an over self confident person but my face looks normal, just a little more tired. My hair is in its normal straight state. The only thing that makes me look disapproving for this kind of dinner is the dress. It's a hideous brown color with little stains of white on it. It's long sleeve and covers my chest area.

I jump startled when the door opens loudly.

A furious Mr. Hamilton closes it behind him and switches it to lock.

"This is the ladies room." I point out but clearly he knows and doesn't care.

"Take the dress off," he demands.

"What? No." I am definitely not taking the dress off.

He approaches me in a few strides, before I can move he grabs my hips and pulls me up to sit me on the surface of the sink. He grabs the bottom of the dress and tears it. "What are you doing?" I ask but he continues on, ignoring my hands as I try to stop him. He grabs the fabric close to my neck and pulls it apart revealing my chest. He stops himself then, hands on each side of my thighs. His eyes stay on my breast, taking quick breaths each time.

"What is fucking wrong with you?" I scream and push him away as hard as I can.

"Nora I..." he runs a hand through his hair.

I get off the sink and grab my bag before fleeing from the bathroom. I bump into someone on my way out but I don't stop to see who it is. I take the back door of the restaurant and run as far as I can. I hold the pieces of the dress together as much as I can but I know that it's not covering me enough. I stop by a dumpster and take out my phone. I dial Joe's number.

"Joe? I need you to come for me please." My voice cracks and tears begin to fall.

"Nora are you okay? Tell me where you are and I'll be there as soon as I can."

I send him the address and name of the small shop I can see from across the street.

"Hurry please," I plead.

It feels like an eternity while I wait for Joe. I am not crying anymore but I still have this lump in my throat. I am filled with humiliation. I knew he wasn't the joking around type but I didn't think he would be this cruel.

"Hello little lady. What's a hot chick like you doing here showing bare skin, trying to provoke me?" I look up to see one of those motorcycle rednecks smiling down at me. He bends down and touches my leg, I pull away.

"Get away from me!" I scream. He slaps his hand across my face. I am taken back by his force and hit the brick wall behind me. My head throbs. "Please, no," I plead.

"Now you wanna play nice." His hand brushes my thigh slightly before I see him been slammed hard into the pavement. He doesn't move which makes me look at the person who had caused this, Mr. Hamilton.

"Nora." There's worry and guilt in his voice. I want to tell him to get away when he pulls me up and carries me in his arms but there's so much pain in my head. Before I close my eyes I hear a whispered "I am sorry."

I wake up with a bandage over my head which oddly isn't hurting anymore. I find myself in a bedroom that isn't mine. I am wearing a large shirt with no bra, just panties. I immediately try to remember what happened after Mr. Hamilton slammed the redneck but I can't. It's all a blur.

I get up from the bed and take baby steps to the door. I am careful not to make any noise as I make my way through halls. When I finally find the stairs I pause at the top and listen to the voices below.

"She will not leave this house. I need Lisa to get her some clothing and anything else she will need. I can't have what happened last night happen again. Thankfully there weren't any pictures taken." Mr. Hamilton sounds tired and relieved which just makes me angry. I have to get out of here.

"Of course," I hear Vinny.

I quickly descend each step and hide behind a wall as I hear footsteps come closer. Vinny with papers in hand is walking towards the front door. Part of me wants to ask him to take me home or anywhere else but there's no way he would do it without Mr. Hamilton approving first. So I let him walk out and wait a few minutes before I head towards the door myself.

"The house is fenced and unless you have access you can't get through those gates. Plus I doubt your bare feet will take you far."

I let my hand off the door and just stand there. I don't know what else to do. I feel helpless like he always has control and whenever I try to gain some he beats me to it. As he takes one step closer I take one away from the door and away from him.

"Where's my phone?" I ask. He takes it out of his pocket holding it for me to see the blank screen. I know he must've seen the texts and calls. Joe would be worried and would've tried to contact me.

"I don't understand what is so difficult about doing as I say Nora. You were asked to dress properly and you failed. You were asked to break it off with Joe here and you also failed. I don't want a wife who can't behave like a woman." He throws the phone on the floor, breaking it into pieces. "Joe knows you are with me. He knows you're to become my wife. I even made him think you had been with me for the past year."

"I never want to be your wife! You can have the fame, charming looks and money Mr. Hamilton but what you don't have is a heart. You made the men I care truly about think the worst of me. Don't expect me to play your games when you're ruining my life." I make it to the first step before he grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall.

"But you will play my games Nora."

His words are not just spoken, they're a promise.

His lips are on my neck.

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