Chapter 46

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Into the Daybreak
Chapter XLVI


Tell the heavens and earth to celebrate and sing. Command every mountain to join in song. For the Lord has comforted his people.
~ Book of Isaiah



The dark heavens faded to slate gray as morning slowly began to break over the land. Warily, Erik advanced through a fine silver mist toward the glowing beacon that pulsated from the trees near the sea. The gypsies' camp lay on the opposite side of the villa, which provided a barrier to the wood. If anyone was up and about, no one would see the light but him.

"Who are you?"

Once before, in a forest, he asked the question in fear. Now he sought to understand and would not leave this place until he did.

"You know my name."

The answer came powerful, audible but calm, no longer resonating within his mind...

... and stunned, Erik realized he did know. The One he called on as a child. The One who had never answered his plea ...

He stared at the ground, his limbs going weak with this surge of astounding knowledge. He locked his knees and forced himself to remain standing. He would not grovel before his condemner.

"Erik, Guardian of Music, heed my words ..."

The low preamble began as Malakh's had, but this soft, strong Voice sent unwelcome expectation, warm and deep, shivering along his spine. Unwelcome, because he had only received nothing but hatred and misery from clinging to such false hope.

"No longer dwell in sorrow, for the season of travail has passed. By this time next year your wife shall bear you a child, a daughter, and the year following a son shall come from your loins. Both of these children shall be imbued with Music, as all your children will be endowed with your special gift. But these two shall receive a greater portion..."

A daughter? A son?


The concept no longer paralyzed him with dread. Indeed, such words offered a semblance of hope after their recent loss. Erik could not think how to respond, could not look into the burning white light. His eyes searched the ground, his heart overcome and teetering on an uneasy balance of bitterness and gratitude ...

His recent plea for divine intervention in appeal for Christine's life to be spared all but faded from his mind as memory of the long years of hurtful silence and crippling hardship swiftly rose to oppress his soul.

Why? Why NOW should he no longer be denied?

"I fashioned you and gave you the gifts you possess."

My FACE is no gift, Erik thought bitterly.

"I did not scar you," the Voice answered, as if discerning his thoughts. "Man with his selfish reasoning has done that. I judge by motives that rule the heart and not by the insignificance of outward appearances."

Erik knew confusion. Had he not been formed this way, born into a freak? A monster with half a face? An anomalous beast to be feared?

"Those who serve both the Darkness AND the Light rejected me. YOU rejected me." Harsh emotion made Erik's voice wintry and hollow, while the enormity of the experience staggered him beyond comprehension and his denial came barely above a whisper. "I lived in a world of darkest night, chained inside a pit of hell for most of my existence, through no choice or fault of my own ..."

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