Chapter 28

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**Chapter XXVIII**


Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
~Ludwig van Beethoven



One wide corridor stood between Erik and the wing in which his Angel was trapped. As yet the soldiers remained unaware of the quick and silent infiltration of their enemies, but that must now change.

Three guards spoke with one another, their conversation casual, all with their backs to Erik. He hoped the children were assembled in their places, at the ready, for the time had come to strike. Silently withdrawing his sword, he crept away from the shadows and into the open corridor.

"Monsieurs?" he inquired, deceptively soft.

They spun around in shock, their horror amplified when they saw his twisted face. They never had a chance to do more than utter gasps and reach for their weapons before Erik quickly disposed of all of them. Stepping over their bodies, he moved down the corridor.

A sudden gasp and he turned, his sword poised to strike.

A boy with light hair cowered next to Armando. The newcomer winced as he looked at Erik's face but thankfully did not scream. He needed no one to alert the soldiers of his destination.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?" Erik whispered, lowering his sword. "You are no gypsy. And with your fair coloring, you certainly are no relation to the Don."

As he spoke, the strange boy's eyes widened. He inhaled in shock then went pale.

"Are you mute?" Erik impatiently urged. "I asked you a question!"

"I ... I am Cedric," he stuttered. Stared wide into Erik's eyes. Looked away.

Erik narrowed his own eyes; there was something familiar about the boy. He spoke in Spanish, but bore the distinct accent and fair coloring of a child from France.

"He has a key to all locked doors of the prisoners," Armando said. "We freed the men from their quarters where they were being held. Cedric detained a guard, and I snuck behind and hit him hard over the head with my pistol." Armando smiled. "Our men have gone to the wine cellar to retrieve weapons there and to join us in the fight."

The news encouraged Erik. The boy was clever, altering the plan and choosing a new course when an unforeseen opportunity arose, following through quickly. "I am well pleased," he said in frank admiration. The plan to free the Rom to join the battle originally was to come later, once the soldiers were occupied in fighting and Armando could slip in and blast the doors with more gunpowder. "Did you dispose of the locked gate?"

"Si, Su Majestad. The others are in place."

He nodded. "We must act quickly – the soldiers will know of our presence soon. Armando, get in position for the next plan. You," he ordered Cedric, "give me the key."

The boy shook his head, startling Erik with his refusal. "I must free my friend first. I-I promised her. Sh-she's a prisoner here."

"As is my wife - the Queen!" he hissed.

The boy's mouth dropped open. "YOU are Rey del Música?" he whispered, sounding hoarse.

"I am."

Erik was given no time to question the boy's profound shock or again demand the key, perhaps wrest it from his tight fist. A loud shout issued from the distant end of the corridor, and Erik saw with alarm that a group of soldiers ran their way. One pulled out his pistol, aimed and fired.

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