Chapter 30

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A/N: lol- well don't hold your breath too long... and thanks for the votes! :) Here's more...

**Chapter XXX**


Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes.
~Alfred Lord Tennyson



The sudden full sight of his unmasked face gave Erik the advantage needed to slay two soldiers before the others could recover from shock and swing their weapons at him.

The Vicomte suddenly appeared and joined Erik as he fought the Don's men, though Erik didn't think he could hold them off much longer. He was weakening, his extensive fight with their former master having exhausted him. Numerous blades now crashed against his, and with more frequency, jarring his bones until he thought he might collapse.

Seeking an advantage, he ducked a blade aimed at his head, darted away and spun toward the wall, knocking down a tall suit of armor into their path. As the metal crashed against the nearest men, hindering their pursuit, Erik raced for the door to the cellar, barking a brisk order for the Vicomte to follow. The soldiers gave chase as he'd hoped ... if he could just get to the cellar first. A group of four gypsy Rom appeared in the corridor, detaining the soldiers and giving Erik the time he needed.

He raced down the narrow stone steps, the Vicomte at his heels, the soldiers still far enough behind. Into the tomb-like room, they ran, and across its wide expanse.

Annoyed to see Christine standing there and not where he'd told her to go, Erik ordered her and the gypsies to run for the cave. At the warning ring of approaching boots on stone, he swung around and struck out with his sword, severing a rope that held his first trap in place.

A tall rack of wine bottles swayed and crashed to the ground atop and in front of the enemy, blocking those not hit by wood and flying bottles, as more soldiers ran into the room in pursuit. Erik and the Vicomte made it through the door leading to the cave and Erik slammed it shut. Grabbing a flaming torch off the wall he lit a short fuse he'd earlier prepared and ran.

The small charge of powder ignited as the soldiers opened the door, the blast blowing out rock and wood as the entrance exploded in their faces. Men screamed in pain. A quick glance over his shoulder showed Erik that a few stepped over the rubble and their fallen comrades in pursuit. Still they came, as if all the soldiers had converged to this one area in their determination to catch the notorious new leader of the gypsies.

Erik sheathed his sword and caught up with Christine, grabbing her upper arm as he ran with her, pulling her along. When she faltered, he remembered her feet were bare, the stones sharp against her skin, and he thrust his torch at the Vicomte - "Take this!"

With his hands free, Erik swept up his Angel in his arms and ran with her. They approached the main room.

"The rope," he shouted to the Vicomte as a taut rope Erik had earlier soaked in kerosene came into view. "Torch it!"

Raoul thrust fire to the rope. It burned for tense seconds, then frayed and snapped, releasing the block of wood that held Erik's third trap of cannonballs from the stash of weaponry he'd found in the cave. They rolled and tumbled down a cliff-like shelf high in the wall, into the soldiers' path just as the men reached that point, striking the enemy on their heads and shoulders. Stalling those not hit.

Women and children waited ahead as Erik ran into the main room of branched tunnels with Christine. "The tunnel by the torch," he shouted. "Take it! And the torch there as well!"

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