Untitled Part 19

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Again - rated M, and this chapter is one of the reasons...also, thought it would be fun to put one of my older vids up that spotlights a lot of my E/C manips/covers I've made (found on deviantART) in a before/after kind of way, to see how it's done.  I've made a LOT more manips since this, but in this vid, a lot of these cover the first two in this series -The Quest and The Treasure including the thumbnail pic above. (Hit the arrow to see the rest.)

** Chapter XIX **

Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest
is my lover among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,
and his fruit is sweet to my taste.
~from Song of Solomon

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes



Against her palm Erik's heart thudded. He gazed into her eyes with undisguised hunger, and Christine felt heat wash through her entire body, having little to do with the steam rising from the water. Lifting his hand, he smoothed the back of his knuckles along the wild ringlets hanging near her face and captured a lock of her dark tresses, curling it around his finger.

"Your offer tempts me, my Exquisite Rose." He cast a brief glance toward the washtub. "But I doubt that can hold more than one person." His gaze lowered to her mouth. "A pity. I have only ever bathed in a lake, so am inexperienced in this regard, but the tub appears too small."

Christine drew her brows together in disappointment as she looked and saw that he was correct. No more than four feet in length, if that, the thin planks of the narrow tub looked as if they might break apart if filled past capacity. Erik was powerfully built and tall. She was delicate-boned, but taller than most women. She looked back at him, a plea lacing her voice.

"Then stay. Talk with me. You mentioned last night you had something you wished to express, but we, um, soon found ourselves involved in an exchange of a different nature."

His eyes lit with amusement, and he chuckled at the delightful memory. "Is that what you call what we shared? An exchange?"

Her smile matched his. "A deep and personal tête-à-tête, your heart to my heart, my lips to your lips, a language all its own." With the lightest touch, she traced her fingertips along his chest. "Will you play your music for me, my King? I have not heard you play the violin since Seville, and one of your wondrous concertos would be the perfect accompaniment to this long coveted moment."

"If I stay, do you truly think you will be given ample opportunity to enjoy your bath, mon cher?" His words teased, but his eyes glowed with the promise of what would occur.

Her blood warmed further in anticipation. "I know I wouldn't enjoy it half as much without you here. I want you to stay," she insisted. She desired every opportunity they had to spend alone together.

"You have been warned, dear lady."

"Duly noted." She smiled seductively then turned her back to him. "If you would be so kind as to unfasten my skirt, my lord, as you did on the night of your return? My corset as well."

His adept fingers made quick work of the rows of tiny buttons and lacings, but instead of releasing her, his large hands slid around her waist to cover her stomach and pull her close against him. "Have you any idea how difficult it was to wake up beside you and not make love to you?" he whispered near her ear.

The Treasure *Phantom of the Opera* (sequel to The Quest)Where stories live. Discover now