8: New Year's Eve

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December 31st, 2018
10:42 PM

🎶Oh, seven days shy of a New Year's Eve then we'll be celebrating🎶

"Why are you playing that, today is New Year's Eve," I laugh at Atifa as her and Za are sitting under the gazebo in my backyard. They came over to bring in the New Year with me and my mom. I invited Kendall and Hailey, but I didn't expect them to show up. Things between the three of us haven't really been that good ever since Kendall blew up on me.

"I'm just gonna change the lyrics to minutes instead of days," she laughs.

"So we gotta listen to it again?" I roll my eyes even though I know she can't see since I'm by the porch door.

"Unless you want to sing it...or-or I'll get Za to sing," she laughs even harder. We all know how bad Za will purposely sing.

"Do whatever," I shake my head, slipping inside to hear my mom humming in the kitchen. "Ma?"

"Honey?" she responds, her voice sweet and soft.

I step into the kitchen to see her reaching into one of the cabinets. "Is the dessert ready?" I ask, but quickly get the answer when there are four plates lined up with a thick slice of chocolate swirl cheesecake and a fork placed to the side of it. "Ooo, yummy!" I pick up a fork and get ready to have a taste before I feel a slap on my back. "Ow," I groan as I put the fork down.

She places the glasses on the counter and points at me in a scolding manner, "Not yet!"

"Then when?" I whine like I did when I was a little boy.

"So impatient," she laughs while going to the refrigerator and pulling out the bottle of Chardonnay that she brought over this morning. I woke up to a lot of banging pots and pans. I would've been worried if I didn't know that she had a key to get in.


I furrow my eyebrows at my mom and she looks as if she's trying to hide something. "What was that?"

"Um," she averts her eyes.


"Esther's outside..."

"I wanted to surprise you when you brought the dessert outside, but go check the bathroom," she nods her head in the direction of it. "My late Christmas gift."

I feel excitement run through me as I make my way to the bathroom. I absolutely love surprises, always have.

"Are you there yet?" my mom calls.

"Rounding the corner," I yell. With one turn of the door nob, I push it open and I walk inside to find a ball of fur in the sink. "Mom!"


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