7: My Muse

594 39 9

December 30th, 2018

Are you awake? (Delivered 6:45 AM)

I tap my finger against the side of my phone, waiting to see those three dots to pop up. I even catch myself watching the time and after five minutes pass by, I roll over onto my back and sigh. "Esther are you awake? You should be since I fed you and let you outside ten minutes ago."

She doesn't budge from my hip, so I assume that she has gone back to sleep. My text tone goes off and a smile pushes its way onto my face.

No, I'm sleep 😴 (Sent 6:49 AM)

How are u texting me when you're sleeping🤔 (Delivered 6:49 AM)

Automatic response😂 (Sent 6:50 AM)

Okay then I'll let you sleep.
I'll just stare at the ceiling. (Read 6:50 AM)

I've been awake for 30 minutes.
My parents are being loud as hell downstairs. (Sent 6:50 AM)

I laugh at her response. There's been many times that she's texted me about her parents waking her up by being loud. She's clearly not much of a morning person.

Then can I FT you? (Read 6:51 AM)

She instantly replies with, no way🙅I look like a gremlin. I roll my eyes because I highly doubted that. She always makes fun of herself, but I only see beauty in her.

🙄 (Read 6:51 AM)

Let me beat my face first lol (Sent 6:52 AM)

Lol. Why is it called that? (Read 6:52 AM)

Because I physically have to beat my face with a beauty blender...duh. (Sent 6:52 AM)

Beauty blender...wtf😂😂😂 (Read 6:53 AM)

You've seen me use it lol. Anyway, what's up? (Sent 6:53 AM)

I just wanted to talk to you (Read 6:54 AM)

I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since I last saw her before she left to San Francisco. It bummed me out that she wasn't going to be here in LA for the New Year, but it was understandable that she was with family. I mean, I was happy to spend Christmas with my mom. Maybe one Christmas I'll get to spend it with both my mom and dad and little brother and sister.

Aw, you miss me? (Sent 6:54 AM)

"Obviously," I say to myself.

Of course. Do you miss me? (Read 6:55 AM)

Just a little bit 😏(Sent 6:55 AM)

I snort and Esther looks at me like I just interrupted her beauty sleep. "Sorry," I chuckle, lightly petting her head.

Let me FT you then (Read 6:56)

I wait a little and the FaceTime tone blares throughout my room. Esther barks at the noise so I get out of my bed and walk out to the hall, closing her in my room.

"Hey," I laugh at Esther's muffled barks as I walk down the stairs.

"Are you laughing at me? I told you, I look like a gremlin!"

"Shut up," I playfully roll my eyes. "I was laughing at Esther." She's quiet so I know she went right back to sleep. "When my phone went off, she didn't like it." I make the last step down and walk to the dining area.

"Oh, okay good. I mean good that you're not laughing at me. Not good that you disturbed poor little Esther," she says as I sit at my piano and place my phone on the music holder. "Your tree!" excitement drips from her tone. "It's huge!"

That's what she said, I think while laughing. "Oh, yeah. My mom helped picked it out. You would have known about it if you were here."

"I would have known if you reactivated your Instagram or used your Snapchat more often," she shoots back.

"Wow, low blow."

She laughs, moving onto her stomach and resting her head on her pillow. "I'm just saying."

"Anyway," I dramatise. "You wanna hear something I've been working on?"

"Am I about to get a snippet of music that you'll never release?" she asks, a shocked look on her face as her eyebrows are raised high.

"You got jokes, huh?"

"Always," a cute giggle leaves her lips and I can't stop myself from smiling hella hard. "Acapella or?"

I start hitting the white keys and she looks at me in admiration. "It's not done yet...there are no words."

Even though it's just her, I feel myself getting nervous as I near the part where I start humming. Honestly she's been my muse for a lot of the songs that I've written over the past few months. I've never played them for her nor told her that she was the inspiration and I don't think I plan on starting now. "I'm still working on the verses."

"Just play for me," she chuckles.

I clear my throat and let my fingers glide along the keys to tell the story.


Happy New Year's Eve Eve lololol.

The next chapter is going to be very vanilla because the last chapter(The New Year) is going to be a little dramatic.

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