5: Christmas Eve

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December 24, 2018
8:00 AM

"Justin," I feel a light shake on my shoulder. "Wake up."

I groan as I try to turn away, but a laugh flows into my ear. "Go away," I pull the sheets further up, ignoring the hand still on me.

Another shake, "Baby, wake up!"

"I don't want to," I cover my face with the duvet.

"But it's Christmas Eve!"

I turn back over and push the duvet under my chin while blinking my eyes open, "Already?"

"Yes," she laughs. "It's eight in the morning."

"Damn," I say under my breath. "Why are you here so early?" I ask through a yawn and rub my eyes, slowly starting to sit up against the headboard. Esther jumps up on the bed and she walks onto my stomach. "Hey girl," I pet her head.

"Because I wanted to make you breakfast," my mom grins. "It's getting cold now, so come on boy!"

"Okay," I laugh, loving her excitement. This is the first time I'd spend Christmas with her in two years. "Let's go, girl," I pick up Esther as I scoot over to the edge of my bed and set my feet on the wood floor. "When did you get here?"

"An hour ago," she looks back at me and smiles. I know that smile all to well..she did something and by something I mean decorating. "I can't believe you barely put up ornaments on your tree!"

"I knew you would want me to wait for you," I lie while putting Esther down on the floor and quickly slipping on some sweats before catching up with my mom out in the hall.

"You didn't even know that I was coming," she chuckles. "But now we can decorate like old times," her arm goes along my shoulders and she pulls me to her side as we head down the stairs.

"Oh, you didn't already do that?" I smirk down at her, noticing that the lining of the stairwell is covered in lights.

"Okay, maybe just a little," she looks up at me. "I just wanted to bring in the Christmas cheer."

"I feel it," I squeeze her when we reach the last step down. "Thank you, mom."

"Anything for you," she wraps her arms around me and presses her head to my chest. "I've really missed you."

"And I've really missed you," I kiss her hair. "What did you make for us?" I lead her to the kitchen.

"Pancakes, eggs, sausage, and I bought some orange juice. Your refrigerator is only full of healthy stuff, I'm sort of surprised," she giggles while leaving my grasp and walking over to the stove. "Do you want me to make your plate?"

I laugh because ever since I was little, she would always make my plate. Whether we were at a friend's house or even just in our own home, my plate was made for me. "Sure," I smile. "I'll get the drinks."

"Is anyone coming over tomorrow?" my mom asks as I pour her a glass of orange juice before doing the same for myself.

"Just Za and Atifa," I walk over to the bar and place her glass on the counter.

She turns around with a full plate and a smirk on her face, "Not your girlfriend?"

"Mom," I groan loud enough to make Esther react with a bark. It seams like she always responds back when I make a loud noise. My mom hands me my plate and chuckles. "She's not my girlfriend."

"Your friend who is a girl who you like," she rewords while turning back around to make her own plate.

I roll my eyes as I grab some silverware and sit myself down on a bar stool. "Anyway..."

"Come on, Justin. Just admit that you like her."


She comes over and plants herself next to my, "Son."

"Ugh," I groan. "Okay, yes. I do like her, so what!"

"My boy," she gushes. "Why isn't she coming over?"

"She's in San Francisco spending Christmas with her family," I try my hardest not to sound sad.

"How long has she been there?"

I shake salt and pepper on my eggs before drizzling syrup on my pancakes. "A week," I cut up a few pieces of pancake and bring them to my lips. "She said she'll be back after New Years."

"You sound sad," my mom squints her eyes at me. "You miss her don't you?"

"Of course," I chuckle. "She's my best friend."

"How cute," my mom smiles. "Well maybe she'll surprise you and you'll see her on New Years."

I shake my head, "I doubt it."

"Hey! You gotta believe."

6:35 PM

"I've always liked live trees," my mom looks down at me from the ladder as she hangs up an ornament. Earlier we went to the store to buy some along with more lights and other things that she said we needed. I just let her go to town because seeing the huge smile on her face brings me so much joy.

"Yeah, they are pretty nice," I hand her another ornament.

"I'm glad you don't have multiple around the house," she laughs, making fun of the many celebrities who have them in every room and I mean every room.

"That's too much," I laugh with her. "Over this past year I've learned to live a simpler life and by that I mean only buying the things that I need and eating in. I've saved so much money, mom!"

"Look at you," she smiles, holding her hand out. "It's so good to hear that you haven't forgotten the value of things in life."

I lightly slap it, "We're done...well with the ornaments."

"Put the star up now or at midnight?"

"Let's stick to tradition," I wink.

"Then we're done!" she cheers while stepping down from the ladder and throwing her arms around my neck. I pick her up and spin her around. It always make me laugh because of how easy it is to pick her up since she's small compared to me. "I'll always value the life that you provided me with. We didn't have much back then, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything that you did. I was an asshole when I let all the money and materialistic things go to my head. I mean, you saw how it affected me. Now that I'm older, I've had to remind myself where I came from, therefore the reason why I stopped being so reckless with my spending and instead, I've started saving so-so I can buy you all the things that you want."

"You never cease to surprise me," she pokes my nose. "You don't ever have to get me anything, honey. I'm just happy to have such a wonderful son in my life."

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. You have no idea how many gifts I got you..."

"You didn't-"

"Mom, this is the first Christmas we'll be spending together in a long time. I want to shower you with gifts to show you how much I love and appreciate you."

A tear falls from her eye and I place my palm on her cheek, wiping the wetness away with my thumb. "No more holidays apart, please."

"No more," I hold her tight.


This was a cute little mother & son bonding chapter

The main one is next(:

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*sings Christmas Eve in Justin Bieber*

Happy Christmas Eve y'all!!!!


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