Virgo and Leo

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  As two rational signs governed by pure consciousness they could easily agree on the way their sex life is supposed to look like. Still, the shy nature of Virgo and their caution when it comes to choosing a sexual partner might make it difficult for them to find a language they both understand. Leo wants to be with a partner that makes them feel special and even more confident than they already are, and this is hard for Virgo to give. Their relationship can be quite challenging because the passionate nature of Leo doesn't give much space to Virgo to feel protected and secure about their choices. Their rationality might turn into an intellectual battle for sexual dominance, that is, if they ever reach the point in which they both want to have sex with each other. 

  Leo and Virgo form a constructive relationship that rarely serves their emotional natures. They both tend to be too rational and their mental strength will rarely be a good foundation for a fairytale love they secretly wish for. Both of these signs have opposing signs linked to Neptune. Leo's opposing sign is Aquarius, the sign of Neptune's exaltation, while Virgo's opposing sign is the sign of Pisces, ruled by Neptune. Both of them need someone perfect, someone made just for them, and if they just think for a second that they don't belong together, their search of perfection will prevail. It is rare for these partners to form a strong emotional or sexual bond, however well they might get along when it comes to work and communication.  

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