Virgo and Aquarius

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This is in no way an easy sexual relationship and unless some strong support is provided by their natal charts, Virgo and Aquarius will rarely be attracted to each other enough to start a sexual relationship at all. Their natures find it very hard to support each other, they are both intellectual but in a completely different way, and they will probably ruin any chance of a good sexual relationship by overthinking everything, each of them in their own direction. 

 Virgo can represent everything that Aquarius runs from – practical, worried about health and earthly things, down to Earth, cleaning obsessed maniac. Imagine how incredibly irresponsible, chaotic and unrealistic Aquarius looks to them. Their strongest meeting point is in their rationality and communication, and this can be used to overcome many problems that their differences result in. Unfortunately, in most cases they will not have enough chemistry to start a relationship, let alone stay in a sexually satisfying one for very long. If they take each other seriously, they might create incredible things together, as their great minds merge.



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