Capricorn and Pisces

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There is probably no better way for a Capricorn to relax, than to enter a relationship with a Pisces partner. Their sexual relationship is a contact of two powerful individuals, one of them extremely strict and rational, and another flexible and emotional but confident about their beliefs. Differences between them will create a strong attraction, almost as if they were opposing signs.

The sex life these partners can share is unexplainable when their characters are superficially observed. But in a different way than a Cancer, Pisces can reach emotional depth of Capricorn by a simple feel.

A relationship between Capricorn and Pisces tells a story about possibilities of inspiration. If someone like Capricorn can be pulled into a crazy love story, exciting and unpredictable, this must be done by Pisces. In return, Capricorn will offer their Pisces partner stability, peace and some rest from their usual emotional tornadoes. There is a fine way in which Capricorn can help Pisces be more realistic and practical, while feeling more cheerful and optimistic themselves.

Still, there are challenges in their contact, mainly represented through their love of Jupiter. It might be hard for them to reconcile their different approaches to religion, faith and their different belief systems. To overcome this, it is best if they both ask themselves – does their belief system work? And does the one of their partner also work? If they understand answers to these questions, they might find enough respect to leave each other's Jupiter intact.

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