Chapter Twelve

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A/N I'm a writing machine guys! I guess not having school helps a little.

Just a little side note, music is very important in this book. Please try not to skip over it because it will be used a lot to explain different emotions and Gavin's mindset throughout the book.

I always try to put the music at the top for you to listen to ^ 😊

Thanks! 😚


I walk back into my quiet house trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened within thirty minutes time.

Gavin is like a tornado. He shows up unexpectedly with almost no warning and just turns everything upside down.

Walking into my living room,  I stop dead in my tracks when my eyes land on the bag of Chinese food.

Holy shit...he made me forget I was hungry

Was that even possible to do?

This whole situation isn't good. Nothing good can come from a guy that can have a death drip on your soul within a couple of days. It's a giant disaster waiting to happen.

A big, beautiful disaster.

But I want him in my life. I want the distraction from the mundane, repetitive actions of my life. Even if it's not the most healthy distraction. 

Since I've met him, I've had no desire to Google disorders and act them out to throw everyone off. I've been more of myself in the past couple of days than I have in the past couple of months.

It is now my goal to figure out what makes him tick. Which personality is the real Gavin and why he feels the need to warn me of his ability to emotionally destroy me.

I will read his book if it's the last thing I do.

Even if it means sharing some of my private chapters.


I sit quietly in the car as we drive to my appointment.  I've realized that I have to behave in therapy with this doctor to continue seeing Gavin. It's not like I have to disclose all the personal information that I've kept secret but I at least need to show small amounts of improvement.

I hope he appreciates what I'm doing for him..

"Ok, see you soon hunny," My Mom  says after pulling into the familiar driveway.

"I forgot to tell you. He said this appointment will be two hours this time," I lie, my stomach flipping.

"Oh really?" She asks surprised but doesn't seem suspicious at the sudden time change. "Then I'll see you in two hours," She smiles and I step out before shutting the car door behind me.

I look up to Gavin's window but it's closed. I hear no yelling or music and I hate the silence. I crave the chaos he brings and the excitment that encompasses everything he does.

I walk up the steps slowly, fighting the urge to ring the bell to the house but walk into the therapist's office like I'm suppose to. I fight through the session, trying to be honest enough to keep up my appointments.

An hour later I walk back onto the deck and sit on the steps. It's still peacefully quiet except the sound of birds and distant cars.

I'm just about to pull out my phone  when beautiful music starts the play. I hear Bitter Sweet Symphony coming from his window and my eyes close taking in the haunting melody.

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