Kreacher is Bringing News

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Kreacher is Bringing News

To the Acting Minister for Magic, Bartemius Crouch,
A letter from Voldemort, the Dark Lord Reigning:
I have your Minister. Should you wish to have him returned to you, you will heed my demands:
First the Dark Lord demands that a registry for the Muggle Born witches and wizards be put into place. I wish to know exactly who is pure of blood and who is not.
Once this wish is obeyed, I shall send you my next demand.
Until then, I enclose a small token of my... appreciation for your cooperation...
A piece of the Minister.

The letter was attached to a box. And in the box was the finger of Harold Minchum.

Bartemius Crouch had received word of the grotesque bit of mail from his security team, who had submitted the finger to experts that could tell if it was truly Harold Minchum's filange and they'd concluded beyond reasonable doubt that it had indeed once belonged to the Minister's hand. They presented Barty Crouch with the letter.

Barty Crouch sat in the Minister's office, his face twitching unhappily at this news. "A registry! For the muggle borns?" He thought about the implications of such a motion, of the logistics, of the time it would take to overhaul an entire system, and create a registry. It would take months - maybe even years - before the Ministry could possibly be expected to have completed such a task... He rubbed his forehead slowly.

"They're certain it was the Minister's finger?" he asked.

"Yes sir. They're certain," replied the Auror who had delivered the message.

Barty drew a deep breath. What harm could it be to indulge at least this much? A registry was not the end of the world, it would not hurt anyone to be registered. It might even come in handy to know one day! And if it got the Minister for Magic released back to them, then they had to do it. He folded the letter and looked up at the auror.

"Get me somebody from the Muggle Welfare and Liaison Office," he said.

"Yes sir, right away sir," and the Auror ducked away quickly.

Regulus Black lay in the dark in his bed, his fingers wrapped tight around the medallion that Maryrose Jenkins had given to him for his birthday... He had been laying in his bed for some time, though he did not dare to sleep for the nightmares that had been plaguing him. Instead, he lay there, staring up at the ceiling overhead and trying desperately to distract himself from the horrible images he was too afraid to close his eyes for.


Kreacher stood upon the end of Regulus's bed and he bowed exceedingly low, his nose nearly touching the sheets beneath his wide, elfish feet. "Master Regulus, Kreacher is bringing news."

"You found her?" Regulus hissed, sitting up quickly, barely a sparing a glance to see if the others were disturbed by his excitement, "Where is she, Kreacher? Where's Maryrose? Quickly!"

"Kreacher is not knowing exactly the place that Master Regulus's friend is at, but Kreacher has overheard that she is being kept in a cave, just as Kreacher thought before! The Dark Lord has told Kreacher's Mistress he has put the girl in the cave and there are others that the Dark Lord is keeping there, he is telling Mistress! Kreacher knew this was important for Master Regulus to know and Kreacher is here now, only moments after the Dark Lord has said this to Kreacher's Mistress! Kreacher is trying to find the cave for Master Regulus, but Kreacher is not knowing where the cave is yet! But Master's friend is in the cave!"

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