Sirius Black's 16th Birthday

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Sirius Black's 16th Birthday

Sirius's birthday was a quiet affair. He purposely made sure the Marauders didn't make a big deal on it, not wanting the attention. Of course some of the other Gryffindors couldn't be deterred no matter what, most notably Frank Longbottom and Lily Evans, who both made a show of singing the Birthday Song to him in the Great Hall. "Guys, seriously," Sirius said, and he ducked below the table, holding his stocking cap firmly in place, turning red as others from the Ravenclaw table looked over to see what the fuss was about. James had gotten Sirius a small guitar ("now you can make your own music, mate, how about that?") and Peter gave him loads of licorice wands in all sorts of flavors. Lily Evans even had a present for him - something she'd got while she was in Florida.

"It's a Pet Rock," she explained, "All the kids in the State have them."

He stared at the box with air holes in it, and pulled the rock out, "But what's it do?"

"Nothing, it's a rock," Lily said.

"But you said it's a pet," Sirius argued. "Pets usually do things. Like tricks."

Lily said, "Well this one doesn't. It's just a rock."

"What's the point of it then?" Sirius asked, not trying to be rude, just genuinely confused.

"Dunno," Lily admitted, "It's meant to be funny, I think."

"Odd, muggles," Sirius murmured, holding the rock in his hand and turning it over a few times, studying it. "Wanting inanimate objects for pets. At least wizarding pets do stuff..."

But despite all his questions and confusion, Sirius seemed to enjoy the pet rock, which he named Jimminey Earl Worthington the Third and magicked a string onto, dragging it along behind him throughout the castle. He got a lot of odd looks from other students, who would glance down at the rock and then up at Sirius himself and he'd demand, "What? Haven't you ever seen a boy walking his pet rock before? Bloody load of uncultured swine..."

Remus's question about the pet rock was much more pressing: "Why did you name it Jimminey Earl Worthington the Third?" he asked, "Why the third? Who were the first two?"

"It sounds more distinguished than just plain Jimminey Earl Worthington," Sirius said with a shrug, "Don't you reckon? I mean -- just plain Jimminey Earl Worthington sounds rather stupid, doesn't it? But you add the Third -- well. Then you've got a rather brilliant name, don't you?" He grinned and threw his hand 'round Remus's waist, leaning into his shoulder.

"I reckon any name sounds better with the Third attached," James butt in, coming up beside Remus and Sirius in the hall, followed by Peter, who scrambled to complete the line of the four of them so that they were walking shoulder-to-shoulder down the corridor. "Remus John Lupin The Third," James gave it a try. "James Charlus Potter the Third. Sirius Orion Black the Third. Peter... oi, Pete, what's your middle name, mate?"

Peter flushed. "Cecil."

James, Sirius, and Remus all looked at him.

"It's my dad's name."

"Peter Cecil Pettigrew the Third." James tested it out.

Sirius patted Peter's shoulder, "Tough break, mate." There was a snap and Sirius looked down, The string had broken that held Jimminey Earl Worthington the Third and the rock lay helplessly a few feet away on the carpet. "OI! JIMMINEY'S LOOSE!" Sirius cried with mock panic. "Accio Jimminey!" The rock flew down the hall and James reached out and caught it with the skill of a Seeker before it could reach Sirius's outstretched palm. "You git, give me back my damned rock!"

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