Need to Know Basis

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Need to Know Basis

Lily climbed up the stairs of the stands of the pitch and slid into a front row seat, leaning against the frame and staring down at the grass. James was standing below, the Quidditch set before him as he tossed the quaffle into the air and caught it a couple times, then put it down on the ground and untied the snitch from the case, grinning as he unleashed the little gold ball. The snitch zipped around him a few times before he reached out, snapping it from the air with a quick hand, a smirk on his face. He released it a second time, jumped onto his broomstick and kicked off, following it into the sky, doing loop-de-loops through the air, his robes flapping in the wind behind him as he spiraled across the pitch, following the sparkling, winged ball.

Lily bit her lips as she watched him warm up, waiting for the others to arrive. She'd forgotten how smooth his broom-handling skills were, how well he ducked and swept across the pitch. It was almost hypnotizing, and she couldn't help but understand some of the girls that she'd always tirelessly mocked for sitting about in the stands drooling over him in the past.

As though her thoughts had conjured them, Marlene and Annalee McKinnon, Carly Shaw, and McKenna Alliston came up the steps to the stands, talking excitedly as they slid onto one of the benches. "He's just so bloody handsome," McKenna was saying. "And he's single. Broken up with Maryrose, on the market and everything!" She swooned a bit and squirmed with excitement, looking over the pitch.

"That hair."

"Those eyes. All brown and wonderful."

"And that facial hair. He's so manly."

"I'll bet he has brilliant muscles under all those clothes! If only the Quidditch robes were a bit tighter!" McKenna fanned herself. "He is soooo good looking. By far the best looking Quidditch player this year. The closest is Jasper Odair. You heard he got Captain for Hufflepuff?"

"He deserved it!" said Marlene, smiling.

"Yeah. But James Potter is definitely the best looking," McKenna said dreamily.

"He really is," Annalee said, "Bit of a pill, though. Not very good at concentrating. He's sort of a horrible boyfriend." She yawned.

"I'd rather see Sirius Black anyway," whispered Carly Shaw.

"Is he even trying out?" asked Annalee, looking around.

"Probably," Marlene said.

McKenna looked at Carly, "Have you broken up with Andy, then?"

Carly turned red, "Yes. I had to. I mean it's been some time since we were really... happy... and I only stayed with him over summer because of... of what happened..."

"Poor Andy," muttered McKenna.

"Yeah," Carly said. "But anyway, I'd really like it if Sirius Black were playing some quidditch. It'd be a fair distraction, if you know what I mean?" She grinned.

"Why does it matter?" Marlene laughed, "He's gay, remember?"

"That doesn't mean I can't watch and enjoy the view!" Carly said excitedly. "Besides - are we sure that he even is gay?" She grinned, "I bet I could turn him back." She ran her hand over her jumper.

Annalee leaned closer and whispered, "Oh he's gay. He's definitely gay. I heard that he and Remus are doing it," she said knowledgeably.

"Oh how awkward," McKenna made a face.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now