We're Being Tortured

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We're Being Tortured

Fabian Prewett was leaning against the far back wall of his cell in the Ministry for Magic's depths. His cheek pressed to the wall. A dementor hovered just outside the bars, it's rattling breath loud compared to the silence of the dungeons. Fabian hid his face in the crook of his arms.

A door opened and a shaft of light broke through the darkness, illuminating a flight of stairs. Fabian looked up and watched as three shadows slowly descended the steps. The first was an auror named Boot that Fabian had attended training with, the second a little girl - Lucy Minchum, and the third was Harold Minchum himself. Boot waved his wand, casting a patronus of a parrot that flew over and flapped its wings at the dementor standing guard, shooshing it away. "Prewett, you've a visitor," Boot called gently.

Fabian unfolded himself carefully, his limbs tingling from having sat in one position for such a long time. He stood, bracing himself against the wall and walked slowly over 'til he was hanging onto the bars, his face pressed against them to peer out. He stared at the Minister and his granddaughter, and he stammered, "Mr. Minchum -- I'd hoped you'd come down -- I've asked for audience with you -- time and again -- you or Moody -- and I haven't gotten it. I need a trial, Mr. Minchum! A trial! Please! I didn't help kidnap those kids, nor did Newt Scamander. I beg of you."

Minchum stood there, staring imperially at the shaggy haired twin, and finally he turned to look at Boot. "I require some privacy with my auror, Mr. Boot."

"Yes, sir," Boot replied, and he turned and went up the stairs.

The moment the door closed, Minchum turned back to Fabian Prewett.

"Minister," Prewett began again, but he was cut off.

"Crucio," Harold Minchum waved his wand violently, knocking Fabian to the floor of his cell with the force of the spell. Minchum released him after a moment and Fabian stared up from the floor, trembling, his eyes wide with surprise and pain.

Lucy Minchum stared on, unaffected.

Fabian struggled to compose himself - wiping away errant drool the curse had caused to leak away from his mouth with his palm. He stared up at the Minister warily and grabbed hold of the bar on the door and pulled himself to his feet, his eyes never leaving Minchum's.

Harold Minchum's eyes sparkled... dancing with amusement.

Fabian's breath was shaking as he said, "Y-you aren't... Harold... Minchum."

Minchum reached a hand out and gripped Fabian's chin roughly, grinning at him. "I find I am n need of your services, good sir... Now, Mr. Prewett, there are two ways we can play this game... One, you join me, and pledge yourself to the Dark Lord."

Fabian's face was stone cold. "And two?"

Minchum raised his wand.


Oliver Kent was biting his tongue as he worked on taking notes, very carefully making sure he had down every word Gideon Prewett was waving his wand to have written on the board by a piece of flying chalk. He was lecturing on various ways to disarm your enemies - including the expelliarmus. Wally was asleep, head resting against Ollie's shoulder, snoring quietly. Liam looked over and shook his head and Dexter glanced to see that Gideon Prewett wasn't looking then nudged Darcy and quickly balled up a bit of torn off parchment and started trying to throw the ball into Wally's wide open mouth. Darcy laughed and joined in at the game. Vivian and Marcy, like Oliver, were involved in notes -- but of a different nature, passing their parchment back and forth, having a written conversation...

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