Chapter Two: Welcome To Borderline

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A few hours after I was unable to scream anymore, the boy and the girl in plaid came back into the room. They locked the door behind them and pulled up two chairs in front of me.

The boy, who had honey brown eyes and russet brown hair with caramel brown skin, propped his elbows on his knees and held his chin in his hands and watched me with a carefully guarded expression.

The girl smiled at me and brushed her choppy, layered raven black hair behind her shoulders and waited patiently. Her gray eyes examined me and I felt insufficient with my chocolate brown hair and bright green eyes.

Or did I look different, now that I'm dead? If so, I hoped that my features were more evenly balanced and the colors worked well together, because the way I looked before I died was terrible.

The guy cleared his throat and said, "Who are you and where did you come from?" I felt like his eyes were boring into my soul and digging up all my darkest secrets, but he was asking me about myself anyways so I didn't catch on.

"I-I'm Eve Rivelatore, and I came from-from-" I burst into tears and the girl comforted me, holding me in her arms and rocking back and forth.

"It's ok, we can talk about this later. My name is Shawn and this is Dillon. He may seem a little intimidating at first, but he's really a nice guy," the girl said reassuringly. I nodded without really registering what she was telling me.

"Shawn, I think we should let her get some sleep. She looks tired," Dillon said, his honey brown eyes boring into mine. Shawn nodded and gave me one last hug before she and Dillon got up to leave.

As Dillon closed the door, he looked back at me as my eyes filled with tears and spilled over silently.

"Welcome to Borderline, Eve," and he shut the door.

Sleep was nearly impossible to find. I laid on the bed on the far wall of the room and traced patterns in the ceiling as my thoughts swirled.

I'm dead, right? Or was that all a dream? This could be a dream, too. I might be alive, I might've been knocked out in the crash and I'm having some insane dream in which nothing makes sense but everybody else thinks it does.

But wether this is a dream, my new reality, my afterlife, or whatever it may be, I still need to figure out where I am. That's the first step. Locate Borderline on a map.

Actually, the first step is to simply locate a map. I'm not even sure where I am in Borderline, much less where the keep the maps, if they even have any. They seem a pretty primitive people, they might not even know the name of their country or anything.

I stood and walked to the door. It was made of solid wood, with knots and grain and everything. I rapped my knuckles on it a few times, but nothing happened. I knocked again and waited a few minutes before trying the knob. It was locked.

"Hello?" I called as loudly as I could. "Dillon, Shawn, anybody?"

There was a whisper of wind and suddenly my sight blurred and I fell to the ground. Voices whispered as a breeze stirred the room, then became a vicious wind ripping the sheets off the bed, tugging at my clothes and whipping my hair around.

Dust collected and began swirling in circles sheets, tables, and chairs alike were thrown into the raging winds and began spiraling above my head.

Faces flashed in the flurry of the mini-tornado. Ghastly, half-formed faces, shaped from the dirt and splinters of wood being pulled from the floors. Some screamed and wailed like tortured souls, while others whispered sweet nothings and passed by me peacefully.

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