
6.6K 10 1


1. The museum was near the school.

Ø  The museum was not …far from…the school.

2. It cost £3 to visit the museum.

Ø  They had to … play…£3 to visit the museum.

3. The class was taken around the museum by a guide.

Ø  A museum guide …took the class… around the museum.

4. They did not leave until 4 o’clock.

Ø  It was 4 o’clock … When … they lefl the museum.

5. Everybody though that the museum visit was boring.

Ø  Everybody was … bored…with the museum visit

6. Her hair is long and black.

Ø  She has… long and black hair.

7. The water is to dirty that he can’t bath his eyes.

Ø  The water is not …

8. Nam is only seventeen years old. He cann’t a drive a car.

Ø  Nam isn’t … old ...

9. The results of the research are not only impressive, but also alarming.

Ø  The results of the research are both… impressive and alarming

10. This flower is very beautiful!

Ø  How … this flower is

11. …More than….. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.

Ø  I like playing the guitar …more than… playing the piano.

12.  deciding

13. I had visited.

14. ‘Have you had enough to eat, Ann’.Tom asked.

Ø  Tom asked …Ann if… enough to eat.

15. I use a dictionary to check any words that I don’t know.

Ø  When I don’t know a word, I look… up in …a dictionary.

16. Maria lives a long way from her office.

Ø  The bus journey to her office… near… forty minutes.

17. It is a forty-minute bus journey to her office.

Ø  The bus journey to her office …takes ….forty minutes.

18. Driving a car in the town centre is not allowed.

Ø  You are not allowed … to drived … cars in the town centre.

19. Maria sometimes takes a taxi although it is expensive.

Ø  Maria doesn’t often take a taxi… because … it is expensive.

20. Yesterday the got up too late to catch the bus.

Ø  Yesterday the got up so late that she … missed couldn’t catch … the bus.

21. The students are given two hours of homework each week.

Ø  Each week chiara … gives … The students two hours of homework.

Học tậpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ