Episode 16-5: Downpour

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Trevor Barbour. The name of the contact who was suppose to pay the assassin afterward. Ispio's technology had his records, and even more helpful, he already has a record supplied with DNA sampling. Tracking him with Amelia's IsPup should be easy.

The rain poured hard on the three of us, and I curse not bringing a spare umbrella just in case we lost the first one. "Dammit, Clyde, you should've brought an umbrella too! This is ridiculous!" I wish we could've taken the car all the way, but we didn't want to raise suspicion.

Clyde follows IsPup's trail without a misstep, with me falling behind. "Quit whining, IsPup says he's only a few meters away."

"That's what you said 2 minutes ago! I hate smelling like wet fox."

IsPup turns into an alleyway, taking a sharp turn and zooming across the mud.

"Oh great, now I get to have muddy shoes." Okay, I admit I'm complaining a lot, but wouldn't you?

IsPup slows down, and so does Clyde. "We're close, he's in a building right now. Be ready for anything, Troy, you never know how prepped this guy could be for us."

I shake my head, futilely trying to get dry with rain still crashing down on me. "You don't have to tell me twice, when has anything been easy for us?" It's true, things never come easy for us, but when we finally approach a police station as the mark, my mouth hung open just at the thought of sheer difficulty accompanying a place like this. "He's a police officer!? Clyde, you couldn't have mentioned this when you were reading his file?"

He scratches is head dumbfounded. "I-I don't know. I didn't get that far in the file, I just needed to know the name and face." He shows me IsPup's controller, the face of a tired goat staring back at me.

"This is him?" I ask, "Oh boy, how are we suppose to handle this? We can't assault an officer with everybody watching. We wouldn't be able to explain ourselves." I scroll down on his profile and come across even more enlightening news. "Scratch that: we can't assault the freakin' Chief!"

Clyde's eyes widen, and his deep voice just repeats, "The Chief?"

For a moment, we stood there in the rain rattling our brains for a good plan of action. Before I could form anything, Clyde speaks first.

"You're good with words, great with words, even. Can you smooth talk your way into his office?"

I scoff, "And do what, huh? Extort him about paying an assassin to kill us?" I roll my eyes so hard it hurts my brain, "Great plan there, bud."

He looks at me, and I look at him. His stare is angry, and I can feel his eyes piercing me, weakening me. I don't know what he expects of me, but there's no way I'm going on a suicide mission for him.

*** *** ***

"I have a meeting with Chief Barbour. He said to drop by the station at 10:30 in the morning." I hold my smile at the officer behind the bullet-proof glass. It's a good thing years of field work kept me cool under pressure, otherwise I'd be sweating like a hog.

The officer gazes at me, getting off the computer and opening up a notebook. "10:30 meeting. Go right ahead."

"Thank you."

Ha, I can't believe it was that easy! I must have taken that assassin's meeting time, I'm just lucky that he scheduled 10:30 to meet. I walk down the corridor calmly, but as I get closer and closer to the office door, I panic on the inside about what I'm suppose to do next. How will I start the conversation? Will he even let me talk when he realizes I'm the target and not the assassin? What am I suppose to do if he decides to attack me, or call his buddies to arrest me?

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