Episode 15-3: Scrubs

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"Forgive me, Troy, but I'm startin' to feel a little embarrassed about this."

"Now's not the time, Tommy, and keep your voice down. They sound like they're getting closer."

Our bodies pressed against each other tightly as we both tried to squeeze into a nearby wardrobe. We estimated that there wouldn't be enough time to leave the room before the other medics showed up.

"Sorry," he says. He tries to adjust with the little room he was given, but hardly moved at all. "Uh-oh..."

"What? What's wrong? Is your wound bleeding again?"

Through the crack of light from the door I could see his face twist up in an awkward look. "No, no, that's not bleeding anymore. The blood's someplace else..."

"Don't let it drip, it might spill out of the closet."

"It's not drippin'."

"Then what's wrong?"

He stutters over his words. "I-I can't... I'm not doin' nothin'. Don't move around so much."

I shift a bit, feeling uneasy about his sudden change of behavior. My arm pushes against something hard, and I guessed that it was in Tommy's pocket. "Oh sorry, I forgot you had Aiden's gun." I look up at him and see a little shine coming from his hand. The gun was resting calmly in his fingers. "Oh... wait."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Sorry for what...?" The sudden realization hit me like a brick, and I try pushing away from Tommy as far as I could go, which wasn't very far at all. "Dude, did you get a boner!?"

"I'm sorry, dammit! It's just that it's so cramped in here, and ya look like a girl, a real pretty girl,and I re-"

I put my hand on his mouth. "Shh quiet down, you're gonna expose us."

"Gaggin' me ain't helpin'," he mumbles under my fingers.

Just then, the closet doors whoosh open and give me a heart attack. I was expecting to see a gun pointed at our heads, but instead I got a greeting from someone I least expected. "Clyde! What the hell are you doing here!?"

Clyde stood there looking at me curiously, his little smirk began creeping up on his face. "Holy crap, am I interrupting something here?"

Tommy's face goes red first, and then mine soon after. "N-No! We were just- well there's a whole thing going on here." I squeeze out of the closet, feeling the pressure of Tommy's body finally going away.

Clyde nods. "I bet. You picked a bird? I always saw you as a stallion type of gal."

"No, shut up! Clyde, we need your help."

He laughs, "I'm sorry, Troy, I don't do three-ways with guys." He's too witty for his own good. "I came to get you, it turns out we actually can't have you away for three days straight. The case files are piling, we need to get back to work as soon as possible."

"No wait, this place is fake! It's a trap! The medics are bad! They've got the other cadets!"

He holds up a hand to stop me. "Whoa whoa, squirt, calm down. What are you talking about?"

"The medics, Clyde. They're not with Ispio, they're just trying to act like they are. I've got no information on them, we only know that they're trying to dispatch us. Do you have your gun?"

He looks at his empty holster. "No, they don't allow weapons on the premises, they took Conviction away."

"At least we got Aiden's," Tommy says from behind, still inside the closet. "It's got seven bullets left."

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