Episode 9-3: It's A Dog Thing

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Maple Street: Herbert Dorsett's Residence

Troy's P.O.V.

It's apparent that when I got here Clyde and the car would be miles away, but I decide to stick around to catch a clue if any are still around at least. The front door is slightly open and the lock has been expertly breached. I don't remember Clyde ever carrying a lock picking kit, that's my job.

I slip into the house, inspecting the neighboring residents to make sure nobody is watching. The first hallway has a small pile of yellow dust on the floor; something suspicious, but I need to investigate further first. I step over the weird pile and carefully walk deeper into the dark corridors. I instinctively draw my gun and hug the walls while listening closely to the silence. No noise besides my own breathing.

I find myself in Herbert's unchanged den, but with the exception of the fireplace being put out. The table that held his cup of tea is still there, but the cup is replaced with an opened envelope instead. I holster my pistol as I pick it up and examine it all over. It has its obvious writing for proper delivery drop-off, but it isn't printed, suggesting that it must've been personal.

I pull out the paper from within and unfold it with the tips of my fingers. Some specks of that weird dust fall on the table from the paper, but that's all that there is; no writing at all, just dust. I put the paper aside and take out my pocket flashlight to shine it on the substance, and as I do it sparkles and reacts to the blue lighting.

"Hmm...yellow dust reacting to blue light? I think I've run into this stuff before. I should call the tech lab later and check the archives." Yes, I talk to myself when Clyde's not here, it's boring otherwise.

This is definitely a clue, but not one that'll let me cut off Clyde's path and intercept him. How could he leave with Fake Troy anyway? Didn't he look at my bed and notice that I was still asleep? Did he not realize that there was two of me? Maybe Fake Troy's presence blurs me out or something.

I take a quick picture of the substance on the table using the digital decoder and shove it back in my pocket for later. The decoder will scan the picture and pull up a list of elements found within the photograph automatically, but it'll take some time. I continue to case the house for the next twenty minutes or so, but find nothing of interest.

I find Herbert's bedroom, complete with a full-size mattress sporting the silky smooth red sheets of foreign materials that make it feel like you're sleeping on a cloud. I sit on the foot of it and take the decoder back out, still processing. I'm going to need to burn some time.

The decoder has internet access as well, even when there is no router for service. It's connected to the car's built-in hotspot, letting me connect from an incredible distance. I click on the web address panel and start typing in my favorite gaming website, but something in the history section caught my eye. Something called, "Fort Totten State Historic Site," was recently searched. I click on the link and read the article that it brought up. This place is here in town. It's a safe bet that Clyde's planning on going there soon. I should get a headstart while I've got this lucky break!

*** *** ***

Fort Totten State Historic Site: After Visiting Hours

Clyde's P.O.V.

Mission Summary...
After burning time by taking part in a never-ending game of I-Spy, we've surpassed the visiting hours of Fort Totten and arrived just in time for the last car to leave its perimeter. We have marked the entry points for this area and have planned out our routes to effectively case the entire fortress.

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