Part 4

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He was only a few feet away, and you were feeling very proud of yourself for this newfound confidence! You were proudly marching, one foot after another.

Left foot. Right foot. Left foot.

Then something seemed to go wrong.


Your legs felt like they were being tied together, and you fell down. You would've fell flat on your face if you didn't catch yourself quick enough! It took just a moment for the situation to sink in, until you realized that you had just tripped, like a dingus, right in front of your crush.

You turned to Bianca for some kind of long-distance support. You saw that she was shaking her head, while holding back a giggle. You weren't sure what to do, so you turned back around and tried to get up.

"Oh, my gosh! Are you okay..?!"

It was Gerard.

He was holding out his hand to help you up. He looked beautiful right now, and you could've stared at him forever. But you didn't want to come off as creepy, so you just took his hand, and let him help you up.

I'm holding his hand!!!!! That means I must be doing something right!!! You thought

"Uh, yeah, I think I'm okay! A little scratch ain't ever hurt nobody!" You replied happily.

"What even happened?" He looked concerned, but he was still smiling.

"Um.. I don't really know? I think I tripped over a ladybug."

Gerard laughed.

You were quite proud that you were able to make someone smile so bright! Especially when that someone was as beautiful as him!

There was a short, but comfortable pause as you stared into his eyes.

"So, um.. You like (Favorite Band)?" He asked awkwardly. He was blushing, which you found incredibly adodorable!

You looked down, realizing that you were wearing your (Favorite Band) hoodie.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah!! They're one of my favorites!!" You were excited because Gerard's eyes lit up, and he smiled.

"What kind of music do like?" He asked, seeming genuinely curious.

"Uhhh.. (Favorite Musical Artists)..
What about you?" You really enjoyed the conversation, as you were very passionate about your music.

"What's your name?" He asked you.

"My name? Oh! That's right! I never told you my name! Well, I'm (Y/N)!!"

You had forgotten to introduce yourself, and didn't realize it until now. Maybe it was because you were a bad liar? Or maybe it was because every time you looked into his dark, yet beautiful eyes you got lost. Time stopped, and rational thinking became a thing of the past.

Jeez... Love is stupid! And corny!! I can't believe I let myself fall for a stranger like this...


Merry Christmas once again!!

I'm so happy that I actually got the Christmas update finished! I was so scared that I wouldn't finish it in time!!

But, look at that. I finished before midnight. (That means I'm cool now.)

( Just kidding I'll never be cool)

Sorry this one is longer than the rest. I just had a lot to say, and nowhere to end it, so... Deal with it?

Anyways, I hope you had a merry Christmas!!!!!!!

(Or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever else people celebrate)

Emo (Reader x 2006 Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now