Part 1

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   It was the middle if November, and lunchtime for your school. You were sitting on a bench in the courtyard with your idiot friends. 

      "Hey, (Y/N)! Dare me to snort these?" you're friend Dan called out, obnoxiously. He was holding a handful of Smarties.

   "Dan, no. You're going to hurt
yourself one day." said your other friend, Bianca.

   You chuckled and rolled your eyes. He was so stupid at times.

    You glanced back down at your phone. You knew that you didn't have any notifications, but looking at your phone was a thing of comfort for you. Bianca sat down on the bench, next to you. You put your phone away.
   "What's up?" she asked. Her long, straight, brown hair looked so pretty. It complimented her blue eyes and pale skin perfectly.

   "Nothing..." you replied. Although it didn't sound like it, you were being honest. There was nothing wrong. You were just off today.

   "Alright. Me and Dan are going in the cafeteria to get chips and stuff. Is that okay?" You nodded. "C'mon, Dan. Let's go."

      She left and Dan followed. You looked around. A boy with short, white, silvery hair and a strong-looking face (whatever that means) caught your attention.

   He's cute. You thought. He was wearing a black t-shirt with white horizontal stripes. He was also wearing black skinny jeans. He had his earbuds in and he was on his phone. You wondered how you had never seen him before.

   He looked up from his phone and looked around. He saw you staring and he smiled. Your cheeks heated up and you smiled back sheepishly, and then you waved in the most awkward way possible.

   Why did I do that??? I'm such an idiot!

   "Hey, (Y/N). What're you lookin' at?" asked Dan. You weren't expecting him, and you jumped.

   "Oh-Y-You're back-I-I mean-uh..No one-I mean-Nothing." you stuttered.

   "No way! You like him?? I mean.. I don't want to judge you, but... He's-like.. Emo?" said Bianca. "And you're.. You."

  "I don't like him! I don't even know his name!" You continued to protest, but you felt your cheeks heating up.

  "Does that mean you want to know his name?" Dan teased.

   "I-I... Shut up!" The bell rang, and you gathered your stuff. You glanced over at the boy one last time before heading to class.

Emo (Reader x 2006 Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now